Category Archives: conformity

Robert Stark talks to Ashley Messinger about Psychological Disorders







Robert Stark talks to ASHLEY MESSINGER about psychological disorders. Ashley is based in the UK and writes for You can also find Ashley on Twitter.


Diseases, Disorders and Illnesses, Oh My
What defines mental illness
Neurodiversity movement
Finding niches for different personality types in society
A World of Trauma – Civilizational Psychosadomasochism and Emptiness
Using targeted designer drugs and artificial intelligence to cure psychological problems
Unrealistic Adaptations
The psychological basis for moral taboos
Anti-Natalism: The Chavs Are Not Listening
The Age of Orangutans
The Theory of Fun

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings, Stark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks about Andrew Yang’s Campaign for President










Robert Stark, Matthew Pegas, and Brandon Adamson discuss Andrew Yang’s campaign for president in 2020.


Brandon’s articles Yang Time! and Yangster’s Paradise
Brandon’s past support for Tulsi Gabbard and why Bernie Sanders is no longer the anti-establishment candidate
Andrew Yang’s unconventional coalition of Dissident Rightest, Radical Centrist, NEETs, Bernie Bros, and Leftist
Reasons for Trump supporters turning to Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang’s identity neutral agenda and context of comments on White demographic decline
Automation as inevitable and something we must adapt to
Trickle Up Economics in contrast to failed Trickle Down Economics
The importance of a basic income for artist and innovators
How a basic income will enable people to liberate themselves from society
Human centered capitalism that creates measurements around people
Whether the basic income will change the debate on immigration
Regulating Tech Companies to protect free speech
The Mall Act and Zoning issues

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings, Stark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Francis Nally about “Queer Culture”















Robert Stark and Matthew Pegas talk to Francis Nally about his new book Queer Culture: A Transgressive Tradition. An Introduction for The Normie and The Misguided Artist.


Culture outside the normative values of society
The “Queer Establishment” vs “Dissident Queer”
Issue of posers and pre-packaged “Queer Identities”
The “Queer Resume”
The need for an artistic elite or Aristocratic Radicalism
Why art is more important than politics
Literary and artistic figures including the Beatniks
New political movements forming on aesthetic impulses
Right-wing outsiders who defend the normative values
Capitalism co-opting “Queer Culture”
The benefits of a basic income
The Cult of the Extrovert
Francis’ Lexicon

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s PaintingsStark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks about Aesthetic Socialism











Robert Stark discusses his essay Aristocratic Aesthetic Socialism with Matthew Pegas and Giovanni Dannato.


A political ideology based on aesthetic principles
The role that aesthetics plays in shaping social and economic hierarchies
The role that capitalism plays in aesthetic innovation
The problem of markets catering to the lowest common denominator
How poor urban planning models lead to a lack of social cohesion
How architectural innovation in theme parks and resorts create a sense of escapism
How Smart Socialism can address these issues
The need to subsidize artistic endeavors that are not profitable in the short term but pay off long term
The impact that making aesthetics more accessible would have on economics and class
Creating a new aesthetic elite
How these issues relate to demographic trends
Roger Blackstone: The Politics of Aesthetics

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s PaintingsStark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks about the role of Slave Morality in Social Hierarchies












Robert Stark and Matthew Pegas discuss the origins of slave morality and secular slave morality’s role in society.


Nietzsche’s concept of slave vs. master morality
Nietzsche’s view of Christianity as a slave morality
Morality as a mechanism for the elites to control the masses
Modern society as slave morality without the positive attributes of Christianity
Influences of Christianity on secular moral codes
How a moralistic outlook can stand in the way of analyzing human nature
The Prosperity Gospel and the view that everyone deserves their state in society
Moral capital and the legitimacy of hierarchies
In group vs. Out group morality
Political correctness as a secular religion
The concept of bourgeois morality
Secular sexual mores
Rise in nihilism as a wrecking ball to slave morality
Whether slave morality is an inevitable facet of society

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s PaintingsStark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark interviews SF based Artist Merkley???

















Robert Stark and Dain Fitzgerald talk to SF based artist and photographer Merkley??? Check out Merkley??? on Twitter.


Merkley’s ex Mormon background, and the role of art, creativity, and philosophy within religion
SJW culture as a religion with the state as the figure head
How traditional religion is now more tolerant in comparison
Being a political outsider in the SF Bay Area
The fusion of SJW culture and Neoliberalism
Conservatives adopting liberal ideas from the past that stand the test of time
Merkley’s view that multiple identities will lead to radical individualism
Merkley’s response to the argument that identities provide a sense of social cohesion
Left Wing Puritanism
Using nude photography to poke fun at photoshop, advertisement, and the fashion industry(objectifying the objects)
Bay Area Housing Crisis, Airbnb, supply and demand, and historic preservation concerns
The impracticality of open borders
Merkley’s Ska Band and friendship with Gwen Stefani
Singing the wisdom of the Luddites

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s PaintingsStark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Ashley Messinger about Restructuring Education in Self Contained Cities












Robert Stark talks to ASHLEY MESSINGER about restructuring education to adapt to future social, economic, and urban trends. Ashley is based in the UK and writes for You can also find Ashley on Twitter.


Ashley’s article Educational Formality and Its Abundance
How education is primarily about job-market signalling, hence the phenomenon of credential inflation
Education as a form of day care
How Geniuses tend to be self-taught
The problem of age segregation
Free-range parenting movement
Education as conditioning for wage slavery and the need for a leisure culture
Education alternatives such as virtual education and apprenticeships
The need for specialization in education and the economy
Ashley’s article The Harmless Psychopaths
Finding niches for different personality traits
The lack of social cohesion caused by our education system, internet culture, demographic change, and suburban sprawl
How self contained cities can address these social ills
Universities campuses as models for self contained cities
The U-Shaped Fertility Trend and Affordable Family Formation in a self contained city

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s PaintingsStark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks about the origins of Sexual Paraphilias










Robert Stark and Matthew Pegas discuss the psycho-social origins of sexual fetishes and paraphilias. If you’re one to enjoy particular fetishes you can to your hearts content.


The concepts of law, social codes, morality, and natural law
The moralistic tendency to view human nature as good when in fact it’s untamed state is grotesque
The Marquis de Sade, and how he had a more accurate understanding of human nature than the 60’s “Free Love” movement
Roger Devlin’s Sexual Utopia in Power
The connection between sex and struggles for power, status, conflict, and politics
Untamed erotic energy(Eros) as a force for both creation and destruction
Being disconnected from society and it’s social codes also has the same parallel effects
Chuck Palahniuk’s new book Adjustment Day
The Idea of Homonationalism
The psychology and power dynamics behind doms, subs, and switches in BDSM
The role that eroticized rage plays in sexual fetishes and fantasies
The power dynamics of cuckoldry
Sexuality being shaped by traumatic events and the attempt to gain something you lost
The Lolita Syndrome and Michael Jackson’s Peter Pan Syndrome
Ethnic fetishes and preferences
Individual sexual exploration vs. the mass incentivisation of sexual mores

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings, Stark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Aristocratic Aesthetic Socialism

By Robert Stark: Originally Published on Alt of Center

The concept of beauty throughout history has been a force for creation, inspiring mankind to reach the pinnacle of civilization. From men accomplishing great things to win over a lover, the beautiful female as a muse for the artist, religions building great temples and cathedrals to attract worshipers, kings and emperors building monuments to demonstrate their greatness, and businesses using aesthetics in architecture and advertisements to attract more consumers.

In today’s society aesthetics serves primarily as a force to manipulate people to keep them striving and conforming to the liberal capitalist system. Advertisements use aesthetics to create a vision of a product to consume; not just the product itself but an overall aesthetically pleasing scene involving beautiful women, luxurious furnishings, great architecture, natural scenery, and music to create the mood.

Continue reading Aristocratic Aesthetic Socialism

Robert Stark talks about his Podcasting History









Francis Nally and Brandon Adamson join Robert Stark to discuss his podcasting history, political and cultural evolution, and where he is at now.


The new book The Stark Truth With Robert Stark: A Legacy 2009-2018
How for a long time Robert was known as the guy who randomly interviews people
How The Stark Truth doesn’t get the credit it deserves
The lack of substance of firebrand alt-podcasters and Youtube political celebrities
How Robert has now established his own unique “Starkian” ideology and cultural vision
New “Starkian” blog Alt of Center | Life. Liberty. And the Pursuit of Beauty
How Robert’s novel Journey to Vapor Island helped brand the Starkian Identity
Robert’s adolescent traumas which provided inspiration for Journey to Vapor Island
How Robert’s experience growing up in LA and observations on society as a teen shaped his basic cultural and political outlook
How Robert always had many of the same core principles but felt the need to belong and conform to a political tribe
Robert’s political phases including Libertarianism, Paleoconservatism, and Third Positionism
How ironically both Robert and Brandon started out on the right economically and moved closer to the left
How Robert is now at a point where he is entirely independent both politically and culturally
Robert’s podcasting history starting at Voice of Reason Radio, Counter-Currents Radio, and establishing his own podcast
Robert’s past interviews with political dissidents
Robert’s decision to focus the show on culture rather than politics
Brandon’s reference in the book to his trip to Las Vegas with Robert and the inspiration for Vapor Island
Is the future of the dissident sphere a Starkian, Alt-Center, Retro-Futurism?

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings and his novel Journey to Vapor Island