Category Archives: Morality

Robert Stark talks to Rachel Haywire about Neurodiversity















Robert Stark talks to Rachel Haywire about Neurodiversity and updates on her independent campaign for President.


The Transhumanist Party primary results and decision to run unaffiliated
Controversy over Jeffrey Epstein’s ties to Transhumanism
Neurodiversity as a focus of Rachel’s campaign
Anti-Neurodiversity sentiments as a reason for Rachel’s breaking with the left
The Neoliberal obsession with PR and image control
Tone policing and de-platforming as an affront to Neurodiversity
Normies pretending to be weird for the sake of being weird
The need for a vitalist bohemian expression of the self
Funding for the Transgressive Arts
Society’s failure to channel alienation into healthy expression valves
The need for neuro based economic niches
The use of VR as an alternative universe for visionaries
Retaking rather than opposing technological progress
Dissident politics as a a reaction to neurotypicals
Aimee Terese and the anti-PC Left
Woke Neurodiversity meetups
The problem of Neurodiversity being treated as a disability, often patronizing the gifted
20 Utterly Milquetoast Predictions for 2020
Election Party – The Card Game that simulates politics

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark and Matthew Pegas talk about the Film Joker










Robert Stark and Matthew Pegas talk about the film Joker (2019 ) and it’s sociological significance to our current zeitgeist of despair.


The social crisis of despair in America
The alienated loner in our society
Theme of humiliation
Oppositions to the film from the Woke Neoliberal Establishment, while Michael Moore Calls ‘Joker’ a Masterpiece
Woke media’s allegations that ‘Joker’ validates White Male rage
Marc Maron on ‘Joker’: Don’t Blame Movies for Criminal Actions of the Mentally Ill
Dark comedic nihilism with no moralistic narrative of good vs. evil
Cult following online among memers and dissident rightests
Director Todd Phillips, his background in lighthearted sex comedies, and how he stopped making comedies due to “Woke Culture”
How the film is as controversial as it can afford to be within Hollywood
Plutocratic mayoral candidate Thomas Wayne who could symbolize a caricature of Trump, but also echoes Hillary Clinton’s Basket of deplorables phrase
Class warfare theme
The Anarchist theme of creating chaos and tearing down society
Symbolism of the clown
Mental health
Comparison’s to Taxi Driver
Aesthetics of the film set in Gotham City, based on gritty New York City in the early 80s

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Prince of Queens about the 2020 Democratic Primary













Robert Stark and Matthew Pegas talk to Prince of Queens about the 2020 Democratic Primary. Prince of Queens is host of the Gaytiarchy on Youtube and was involved with the original Alt-Left/Realist Left scene. You can also check him out on Twitter.


Why Prince of Queens rejects the Left and now describes himself as a radically specific centrist
The recent debates and who won them
How most Democratic candidates are either leftist, corporatist, or both
The unanimous opinion among the candidates to decriminalize illegal immigration
The Great Awokening
Why Prince of Queens supported Bernie Sanders in 2016 but no longer does
White knighting for Joe Biden over the busing controversy
Personality types of the candidates and effectiveness of moralistic pandering
Prince of Queen’s concerns about Andrew Yang’s UBI
Why Tulsi Gabbard is the only candidate Prince of Queens would support
How much of a Trump apologist is Prince of Queens
Tech companies interfering with the election and the need for state intervention
Buttigieg on China
The pushing of gay white men out of the inter-sectional equation
Prediction that Kamala Harris will be the finalist

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Ashley Messinger about Psychological Disorders







Robert Stark talks to ASHLEY MESSINGER about psychological disorders. Ashley is based in the UK and writes for You can also find Ashley on Twitter.


Diseases, Disorders and Illnesses, Oh My
What defines mental illness
Neurodiversity movement
Finding niches for different personality types in society
A World of Trauma – Civilizational Psychosadomasochism and Emptiness
Using targeted designer drugs and artificial intelligence to cure psychological problems
Unrealistic Adaptations
The psychological basis for moral taboos
Anti-Natalism: The Chavs Are Not Listening
The Age of Orangutans
The Theory of Fun

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings, Stark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks about Andrew Yang and the Post-Nationalist Future











Robert Stark and Matthew Pegas talk about Robert’s Takimag article Andrew Yang and the Post-Nationalist Future


Yang’s objective is not to dismantle neo-liberalism but rather create a more humane version of it
Potential for cross pollination between right and left Yang supporters towards a dissident center
Trump’s failed last chance for American nationalism
Future political paradigm of neo-tribalism vs. enforced loyalty to mass society
How a UBI will lead to the formation of neo-tribes
Political campaigns as neuro-tribes
Pursuing one’s group interest as a minority in a Post-American future
How a UBI treats everyone equally, bypasses the middleman, and a step towards smart socialism
Unlike both capitalism and socialism, UBI is the only solution that is viable in an atomized society
How a social safety net combined with freedom of association is the only thing that can hold this nation together
Whether a UBI will solve issues such as declining birthrates and the sex recession
Yang Claims Universal Income Can Curb the Racism of His White Nationalist Fans
The personality of the technocratic engineer vs the lawyer in politics
Yang’s view of politics based on an understanding of psychology and human nature
Yang’s comment predicting anti-Asian violence which was taken out of context by conservatives
Materialist vs. idealist views on the roots of group-group violence
The UBI’s impact on class dynamics and danger of a neo-feudalist technocracy
Rethinking the American dream in terms of alternatives to the suburban home such as an arcology or self contained city
Whether smart socialism and urban renewal need a strong centralized state

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings, Stark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Giovanni Dannato about Neuro-Tribalism














Giovanni Dannato blogs at Colony of Commodus and is the author of APOSTASY and A Kingdom For the Introvert. Follow Giovanni on Twitter.


Formation of neuro-tribes based on personality types
The role of the internet in the formation of neuro-tribes
Tribes that you can self select
Neuro-tribes eventually forming new ethnic groups through assortative mating
Neuro-types impact on political ideology(ex. contrarian vs. conscientious)
Role of social status and how different societies favor certain neuro types
Economic benefit of neo-tribalism in a post scarcity economy with competition over
Over representation of particular neuro types within economic niches
An Alt-Centrist Look At UBI
Multi neuro-tribal society that transcends beyond geographic location
Geographic locations that attract certain neuro types and Maps of the American Nations
How one’s neuro type influences their cultural and aesthetic preferences

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s PaintingsStark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Bay Area Guy about Bullshit Jobs












Robert Stark talks to Bay Area Guy about Bullshit Jobs: A Theory by David Graeber and his Review of Bullshit Jobs published on Alt of Center.


Bay Area Guy’s background in blogging at the defunct Occident Invicta and move to the left economically
David Graeber’s background as a left wing anarchist and involvement with Occupy Wall Street and the anti-globalization protests of the late 90’s
Bullshit Jobs as the culmination of The Managerial Revolution
Neo-feudalistic economy based on extracting wealth and distributing it to underlings who maintain the system
Loyalty to the system more important than productivity or innovation
How the system is held together for political and moral imperatives rather than economic
A leisure economy and subsidies such as a basic income as necessary for innovation
The argument that handouts will make people lazy does not take into account the need for status and feeling useful
The moral imperative that value comes from work
Graeber‘s belief in compensating work that benefits the common good
90’s comedy Office Space as a parody of dehumanizing corporate culture
Despite automation don’t underestimate late capitalism’s ability to create more bullshit jobs
Parallels between conservatives calling the poor entitled and SJWs’ “check your privilege”
Bay Area Guy’s support for Bernie Sanders from the beginning and dissident right’s disappointment with Trump
Kamala Harris’ regressive Neoliberal record of harsh justice for the rabble and impunity for elites

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s PaintingsStark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks about the role of Slave Morality in Social Hierarchies












Robert Stark and Matthew Pegas discuss the origins of slave morality and secular slave morality’s role in society.


Nietzsche’s concept of slave vs. master morality
Nietzsche’s view of Christianity as a slave morality
Morality as a mechanism for the elites to control the masses
Modern society as slave morality without the positive attributes of Christianity
Influences of Christianity on secular moral codes
How a moralistic outlook can stand in the way of analyzing human nature
The Prosperity Gospel and the view that everyone deserves their state in society
Moral capital and the legitimacy of hierarchies
In group vs. Out group morality
Political correctness as a secular religion
The concept of bourgeois morality
Secular sexual mores
Rise in nihilism as a wrecking ball to slave morality
Whether slave morality is an inevitable facet of society

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s PaintingsStark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark interviews SF based Artist Merkley???

















Robert Stark and Dain Fitzgerald talk to SF based artist and photographer Merkley??? Check out Merkley??? on Twitter.


Merkley’s ex Mormon background, and the role of art, creativity, and philosophy within religion
SJW culture as a religion with the state as the figure head
How traditional religion is now more tolerant in comparison
Being a political outsider in the SF Bay Area
The fusion of SJW culture and Neoliberalism
Conservatives adopting liberal ideas from the past that stand the test of time
Merkley’s view that multiple identities will lead to radical individualism
Merkley’s response to the argument that identities provide a sense of social cohesion
Left Wing Puritanism
Using nude photography to poke fun at photoshop, advertisement, and the fashion industry(objectifying the objects)
Bay Area Housing Crisis, Airbnb, supply and demand, and historic preservation concerns
The impracticality of open borders
Merkley’s Ska Band and friendship with Gwen Stefani
Singing the wisdom of the Luddites

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s PaintingsStark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Joshua Zeidner about Bobos in Paradise















Robert Stark and Matthew Pegas talk to Joshua Zeider about the cultural phenomenon and book by David Brooks Bobos in Paradise: The New Upper Class and How They Got There.


Bobos as Bourgeois Bohemians or Capitalist Hippies
Concepts that emerged after the French Revolution
How all three of us overlap with this group(interconnected yet outside)
Those who know the inner workings of the privileged class yet not quite in it
David Brooks, his political ideology, and Mid Atlantic old wealth culture
The Boomers’ transition in values
How the elites reinvented their cultural image
The blurring of cultural class as a mask for growing economic inequality
How Bobo culture coincided with the Neoliberal restructuring of our economy
Silicon Valley’s “socially conscious” cutthroat capitalism
Fake social climbing, virtual signaling, and self appointed moral leadership
Historic parallels to using Christianity to justify slavery and imperialism
Paying high prices for cheap looking merchandise
Hipsters as the Millennial offshoot of the Bobos
Political dissidents and cultural outsiders’ fascination with the culture of past elites
Alt-Subcultures and Alt-Urbanism as positive alternatives to Bobo culture

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s PaintingsStark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island