Category Archives: social capital

Robert Stark interviews Ben Winegard














Robert Stark talks to Ben Winegard about academic freedom, woke culture, the election, and future political trends. Ben Winegard is an assistant professor of psychology at Hillsdale College, and you can read his article at Quillette and follow him on Twitter.


How Ben is both anti-woke and anti-Trump, politically homeless, and tepidly backs Biden
The impact of the election outcome on the culture war and civil unrest
Trump admits to “playing down” coronavirus threat in taped Woodward interviews
Trump’s synthetic populism and turn to Supply Side economics with advisor Larry Kudlow
The decline in conservatism and how the GOP can only survive politically if it adopts some form of socialism
The Democrats becoming the party of the urban professional managerial class
Ben’s prediction that the Democrats will push race based rather than class based wealth redistribution
The degree to which woke ideology is accelerating because of Trump
Ben’s preference for colorblind institutions and concern that ethnic fragmentation may be inevitable
Cancel culture in academia and the termination of Ben’s brother Bo from his position in academia
The hereditarian hypothesis
The value of thought experiments in academia to advance ethics
Ben’s love of Capybaras, Otters, and the season autumn

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson

Robert Stark interviews River Page












Robert Stark talks to River Page about the role of identity politics and class on the left, and the need for political alternatives to the existing left. River Page blogs at Twink Rev and you can follow him on Twitter.


River’s religious upbringing, importance of social capital, and
exposure to Marxism

The inaccuracy of liberal stereotypes about the Bible Belt
Why Liberals Hate Poor White Trash
The degree to which social liberalism is a product of plutocratic economics
Marxism on the question of borders and nations
Examples of woke austerity in Eco-capitalism, diversity programs, and high skilled immigration
Kamala Harris and the intersection of elite economic interests with woke identity politics
How the New Left abandoned the working class
Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Platform Capitalism and the False Promise of Self-Liberation
The Woke Resurrection of a Gay Sex Panic

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark interviews Ed Dutton: The Jolly Heretic














Robert Stark talks to Dr. Edward Dutton about personality types and the evolutionary forces behind culture and politics. Edward Dutton is an English Anthropologist based in Finland and is the host of the Jolly Heretic on YouTube and Bitchute. You can follow him on Twitter and check out his books on Amazon.


The collapse of Darwinian selection and rise of the Spiteful Mutants
Evolutionary factors for religiosity and ethnocentrism
Fertility patterns taking into account religion, ethnocentrism, intelligence, income, and personality traits
Personality traits for success
The Big Five(OCEAN) personality traits
The Psychology of the Genius and unique environmental factors needed for geniuses to thrive
The profile of the smart but poor
Incels, the breakdown of monogamy, and r/K selection factors
Whether there is a metric for measuring beauty
The correlation between sexual fetishes and neuroticism
The Freudian theory of repressed sexuality being channeled into creative endeavors
A Bit of an Age Gap: Who’s Attracted to People Who are Much Older or Much Younger than them?

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark interviews Republican Socialist Candidate for Kansas Senate Brian Matlock












Robert Stark talks to Kansas GOP Senate candidate Brian Matlock who is running as a Republican Socialist. Check out Brian’s campaign website and follow him on Twitter.


Why Brian is running as a Republican Socialist
Politics inspired by the communitarian ethic of small-town America
The GOP socialist tradition going back to the Abolitionist Radical Republicans
A locally administered job guarantee
UBI as a supplement but not a replacement for a decent standard of living
The CARES ACT Corporate takeover
Modern Monetary Theory (one person’s spending is another person’s income)
The need for regulation of big tech
Agriculture policy of moving away from corporate industrial farming
The Nation’s crisis of despair
How neoliberalism creates conditions that breed reactionary politics and petty culture wars
The primary election on August 4th

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitter, and Instagram

Robert Stark talks about the symbolic vs. material causes of our Nation’s political turmoil













Robert Stark is joined with Matt Pegan to discuss issues relating to Robert’s Unz Review article, The Real Wealth Gap:
The intergenerational wealth gap, the housing crisis, and how “BLM vs. MAGA” poisons the discussion on every issue


The material vs. symbolic factors of our current political turmoil
The material based critique of woke ideology and limitations of a purely material based outlook
Comparing data on the racial wealth gap with the generational wealth gap
Millennials’ screwed economic status, the appeal of Bernie’s campaign, and an overall failure to invest in future generations
More on the motivation of corporate support for woke causes
The iconoclastic nature of neoliberalism to erase history and conceal power
Political symbolism in architecture(ex. statues, skyscrapers, single family homes, and public spaces)
Christopher Lasch’s The Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy
Fox News host Lara Logan compares up-zoning to agenda of Antifa
Woke urbanist thought vs. the material benefits of YIMBY polices for millennials
Whether this new generation of urban flight to the suburbs will sustain the power of Woke neoliberalism


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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitter, and Instagram

Robert Stark talks to Naama Kates about her Podcast ESC-Hate












Robert Stark and Matt Pegan talk to Naama Kates about her podcast ESC-Hate, which is sponsored by the initiative Light Upon Light. Naama Kates is a journalist, actress, director, and is also the host of the podcast Incel. Follow ESC-Hate and The Incel Project on Twitter.


The show’s premise of dialogue between two people with contrasting viewpoints
The Light Upon Light initiative in contrast with partisan watchdog groups
The conspicuous media bias in coverage of left wing extremism and civil unrest
The show with Andy Ngo and CV Vitolo-Haddad
The upcoming show with Matt Heimbach and Hope Hyder on the George Floyd protests
How cancel culture has gotten worse and makes open discussion impossible
Trump’s handling of the civil unrest and executive order to protect monuments
Civil liberty issues with labeling political movements as terrorist threats(Naama’s interview with Canadian intel specialist Phil Gurski on incels)
The show with Daryl Davis and Jeff Schoep
Antiracism, Our Flawed New Religion
Looking at material and social causes of a controversial viewpoint rather than moral condemnation of an ideology
The importance of social capital and having an in-group
Andy Nowicki’s interview of Naama Kates

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitter, and Instagram

Robert Stark and Matt Pegan discuss the Nationwide Civil Unrest









Robert Stark and Matt Pegan discuss the civil unrest that has occurred over the past week and the social and political ramifications. Note the show was recorded on June 3rd. Follow Matt on Twitter.


The economic crisis due to the pandemic
How economic despair combined with identity grievance culture created a perfect storm
How in crisis people reject civility and revert to their base instincts and polarized narratives
Virtue signaling from Woke Capital
The relationship between bourgeois liberalism and the far left(see Opinion poll based on income)
How the civil unrest is a shock to many but shows the long time social breakdown of our society
How this hits close to home for Matt as an LA resident
How, unlike in past riots, looting was in wealthier areas such as LA’s Westside and Midtown Manhattan
Unrest spreads to Bay Area suburbs
How the pandemic made it hard to jail looters
Narratives about law enforcement
Trump’s handling of the crisis, and how he’s in the worst possible situation
Comparisons with past media narratives when dealing with right wing extremism
How the worst of rioting has been quelled but we could see long term urban decay

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitter, and Instagram

Robert Stark interviews Scott Tungay











Robert Stark talks to Scott Tungay about the current situation in South Africa, the ongoing riots in America, and his views on social capital, land use, and wealth. Scott is originally from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa and immigrated to Kentucky to be with his American wife. He blogs at Department of Winning, has a Youtube channel with his wife Kelli, and is also on Twitter.


Scott’s background, like many English South Africans, growing up believing in the Rainbow nation narrative and classical liberal values
How immigrating to America lit a nationalist spark
Scott’s passion for homesteading and Permaculture
Scott’s admiration for conservationist Wendell Berry and the Southern Agrarians
How Scott is currently stuck in South Africa which has one of the most draconian Lockdowns in the world
How the lockdown could be used as a power grab by the ANC, with businesses foreclosing, and a planned expropriation of White property
Why South Africa will fall, like Yugoslavia | With Scott Tungay by Willem Petzer
Different scenarios for South Africa, including a partition into smaller nations, Chinese intervention, and why a Rwandan scenario is unlikely
How most White South Africans are looking to emigrate
The ongoing riots in America, and why Scott thinks America is 20-30 years away from where South Africa is now
The media narrative about race relations, divide and conquer strategy, and long term un-sustainability due to economic breakdown
The failure of conservatism, and opportunity for a Third Position that is localist, anti-usury, and anti-globalist
The missed mashup that could have happened between Bernie and Trump
The Backto-the-land movement and New Urbanism as alternatives to the commercial squalor that destroyed small town Americana
How the lockdown proves the value of family and community over the corporate rat race
Economic Class Dynamics: The significance, slave, and survival economy
The importance of aesthetics: how beauty elicits care
The limits of meritocracy: how future economic survival will depend upon one’s In-group

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitter, and Instagram

Robert Stark talks to Paul Bingham about the Planned Obsolescence of the American Heartland














Robert Stark talks to Paul Bingham about his in-production documentary chronicling the economic and social despair of the American Heartland. Paul Bingham is the author of Down Where the Devil Don’t Go and Black House Rocked. You can contact Paul at [email protected].


Paul’s footage and interviews conducted across the South and Midwest
The concept of non-essential jobs exposing the reality that most of the workforce will become obsolete
Long term economic consequences of the pandemic including permanent job loss, foreclosure of small banks and businesses, and more automation and streamlining
Trump’s failure to bring back manufacturing
The conglomeration of farmland and real estate
Why Paul predicts America will serve as the breadbasket of the world
Paul’s speculation that elites support mass immigration in the short term but population reduction in the long term
Stratification of elites, hiding of assets, and effectiveness of an asset tax
Crisis of addiction and deaths of despair (highest rates among Whites and Native Americans)
The foreign policy motive behind foreign owned cash businesses
The benefits of economic specialization and family based businesses
America’s nomadic nature
Why certain groups of Americans are better adapted to thrive in the future
Why the general public is only educated to be a consumer and not a rational political actor
Failure of past political movements from Ron Paul to Bernie Sanders
How the documentary will record the heartland’s decline rather than explicitly make political predictions
Paul’s upcoming poetry book, Strip Club Poetry

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark interviews Rich Houck











Robert Stark talks to Rich Houck about urbanism, aesthetics, and the need for social capital. Rich is a recent law school grad and you can check out his blog on Patreon and his Twitter account.


Rich’s interest in photography
Rich’s patronage of independent artists
Interest in both traditional and Retro-Futurist aesthetics
Neon nationalism: reclaiming the future we should have had
80s nostalgia: the 80s as a going away party
The Last Mall Rat OR The Decline and Transformation of The American Mall
The importance of communal spaces, whether it’s Interior Urbanism or a traditional village space
How urban planning models and density relate to social cohesion
Does Diversity Create Distrust?
Crime prevention through environmental design and A New Way of Understanding ‘Eyes on the Street‘ 
Impression of San Francisco, how it could have been an American Paris with a uniquely American European aesthetic
The spring COVID-19 took from me
How the pandemic is exposing a wide range of problems from open borders to factory farming
Robert’s novel Journey to Vapor Island’s lesson about taking the best from all sides
Symbolism of the Neon-Raccoon

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island