Robert Stark casually chats with his friends and fellow authors, Matt Pegas, Omar King, and Adem Luz Rienspects. Omar has his debut novel, An Odyssey of Dingbats! out in February, and Adem is the author of Mixtape Hyperborea and has a podcast, Static Blue. (Please excuse the background noise and interruptions as we recorded while eating dinner in a crowded restaurant, after a long day at the Hot Spring)
-Matt and Adem’s observations of the LA fires from Encino
-How Matt and Robert used to hang out at the Pacific Palisades Starbucks that burnt down
-Whether the Palisades will lose its charm after it rebuilds
-Politicization and class warfare narratives about the fires
-Adem thinks we must have respect for the power of nature
-The philosophical debate about attachment to possessions
-How tragedies, including natural disasters and death, are great equalizers
-The bidding wars and soaring housing costs on Westside real estate
-Robert thinks Adem looks like Luigi Mangione
-How we saw a lot of nudity of both genders at the Hot Spring
-How the crowd at the Hot Spring was upper class coded
-Robert’s adolescent trauma regarding the Palisades
–Filthy Armenian’s podcast about Elliot Rodger and Isla Vista
-Why upper class coded areas like the Palisades and Montecito have a high concentration of attractive people
-Whether the fires will cause White flight out of SoCal
-Why Omar hopes they don’t gentrify his hometown Gardena
-Adem’s thoughts being from Phoenix that people there tend to be philistines about art and culture
-Adem’s description of Scottsdale, Arizona
-Omar tells Robert he needs to “check himself before he wrecks himself,” regarding his oral fixation
-How Adem likes living in LA
-Contrasting LA’s dark energy with the spiritual rejuvenation of the Hot Spring
-Omar tells Robert to strive for excellence
-Adem’s literary event in Paris, France
-Adem’s South African Jewish background and his recent trip to visit family in South Africa
-Adem’s observation that South Africa is as dangerous as people say, with terrible race relations
-Adem’s observation that South Africa’s White upper class has an exceptionally high amount of attractive women
Topics include:
-How rural areas are treated like internal colonies
-How the rural vs urban divide plays out in dissident politics
–Sam Francis’ Leviathan and Its Enemies and James’ Burnham’s Managerial Revolution
-The class divide in dissident politics
–The smart but poor demographic who don’t fit in with proles
-How both Robert and Mr. Raven share a downwardly mobile upper class and bohemian background
-Whether America has any aristocratic attributes as a mercantile nation
–The formation of ethnic and cultural enclavism
-How an economic downturn could accelerate enclavism
-Whether enclavism would lead to neo-feudalism
-Why Mr. Raven is skeptical of Curtis Yarvin’s idea of corporate run enclaves
-Why distributism and mutualism are superior economic systems to capitalism and socialism
-Mr. Raven’s essay on Medieval Craft Guilds
-How guilds can address problems of jobs, education, and credentialism
-The need for a tripartite system where different social castes share power
-Misconceptions about the High Middle Ages
-Hans Hermann Hoppe’s, Democracy: The God That Failed, a defense of decentralized aristocracy over centralized democracy
-How resource scarcity could breakdown mass society in the future
–Whether technology will continue to be a force for centralization in the future
–Mr. Raven’s essay on beauty and the role of aesthetics in politics and society
-How America undervalues aesthetics as a hustler society
-Why old money people are superior to new money strivers
-How old money vs new money struggles play out in politics
-The class dynamics in California
-Mr. Raven’s observations on living in San Francisco in 1991
-Why neither Robert nor Mr. Raven voted for Trump
-The case for Trump as a placeholder for preventing the other side from doing bad things
-The economics of the arts
-The problem of conservatives and populists being philistines on art and culture
-Art fascists, Wyndham Lewis, Ezra Pound, and the Italian Futurists
-The segment of the dissident right that is more culturally sophisticated
-Why Enclavism needs a pluralist dualism of diverse downtowns with homogenous bedroom communities
-Whether the AI/tech bubble is overhyped
-Competing narratives about accelerating innovation in AI vs technological stagnation
-Robert’s initial prediction that Kamala will win and why Meta Ronin thinks Trump will win (Note: this was recorded about a month ago. Robert’s current prediction is about 55% Trump win/45% Kamala win)
-Whether Substack is turning into Twitter
-Whether AI/automation will select for people who are more charismatic Chads rather than nerds
-Mark Zuckerberg’s archetype and his recent rebrand to humanize his image
-How the view that elites are evil is a cope but has some partial truth
-Why streamlining bureaucracy into UBI makes more sense than mass wealth redistribution
-The argument that UBI could be exploited as a State mechanism of control
-Whether taxing the wealthy more is dysgenic
-The genetic traits selected for by wealth from sociopathy to beauty
–What would the Great Class Swap look like if implemented?
-The film series, Zeitgeist and Fully Automated Luxury Communism
-How the poor are used to scare the middle class into compliance
-How the high cost of living in California selects for conformity
-The pros and cons of both YIMBY and NIMBY policies in California
-How both Meta Ronin and Robert have been exposed to a wide range of class backgrounds, which is the case for artists
-Why middle class people are often boring
-Why bottom up populism rarely succeeds
-How sexuality is often transactional and commodified
-The hypothetical scenario of incels orally servicing high status women
-The intersection of mysticism and sexuality
-The debate about the ethics of letting sexual deviants carry out their fantasies with AI
-How mate selection can often have negative evolutionary outcomes
-How men and women are different spiritually
-How both AI and natural beauty can alchemize the Jungian anima
-Meta Ronin’s life in very scenic Lake Chelan, Washington
-How aesthetics are a great way to win people, especially women, over to your political cause
–Kashif Vikaas’s Meta Right/Meta Modernism project
-Terrence McKenna’s prediction that AI will become a planetary nervous system
-How feasible is it to become financially successful on Substack?
Why do Gen X / Elder Millennial guys love Asian broads so much?
Jews as “hyper-white”
Jews are becoming Italian and assimilated Chinese/Indian girls are becoming Jews
The Iranian Jewish community of LA and the downward mobility of modern Jews
Differences between the Jews of New York vs. California vs. Florida
The guido culture of the northeast vs. the North Italian culture of San Fran
Florida and Arizona are both Nouveau Riche, but FL is self aware and AZ deluded
Phoenix’s inferiority complex toward LA
San Diego’s relationship with LA
Implication of a relationship’s looks differential in oral sex
Where does the opposition to age gap relationships come from?
In their youth millennial women would downplay age gaps with Gen X guys, whereas Gen Z girls either are opposed to age gaps or fetishize them (“daddy”)
Walt’s ambivalence toward monogamy vs. continuing his alternative lifestyle
Potential alchemical / HBD implications of oral sex
Edward Dutton’s argument that k-selected people are more into oral
Is receiving fellatio more or less vulnerable as a man than PIV sex?
-Whether Robert should write an auto-biography or insider history of the Alt-Right
-The Background of Richard Hanania, who transformed from an Alt-Rightest to a pro-immigration libertarian neoliberal
-How both Robert and Richard are honest about their trajectories in a way that most people aren’t
-Meeting Richard Hanania in LA
-How Robert never explicitly identified as Alt-Right, and his earlier views weren’t actually that extreme
-How anti-intellectual Chuds have ruined the online dissident right discourse
-Matt’s political trajectory, voting for Hillary Clinton, and then coming across Robert’s podcast in 2018
-Robert and Matt’s Alt-Center project, after the collapse of the Alt-Right
–How Robert and Matt manifested Dime Square
-How Robert’s views were shaped by class and demographic dynamics in LA
-How Robert felt pressure to signal to more reactionary viewpoints
-Robert’s promotion of enclavism and phase where he adopted the rhetoric of the multicultural left
-Why Robert now has contempt for conspiracy theorists, anti-Semites, and rightwing populists
-The quasi-religious notion of having to repent for bigoted views rather than evolving
-How people are unaware of how their subconscious, and factors like social status, shape their political views
-How American society places negative moral value on loserdom
-How Robert subconsciously had the same views he has now from an early age
-Narratives about populism vs elitism, and whether hating the rich is a cope
-Why Matt considers Robert’s philosophical views fundamentally rightwing
-Robert’s Aristocratic Radicalism
-Do we need technocracy to manage social status?
-Matt’s upcoming publishing project, New Ritual Press, which will republish Robert’s novel, Vaporfornia
-How Robert is not emotionally invested in the election
–Why Deep Left is on the Left
-The growing left-right divide over the role of America’s institutions
-Why not all wars are the same, and liberal-led wars have been more successful
-Deep Left’s support for a North American Union and military integration with Mexico
-Trump as a product of a process that begun with Reagan allying with Evangelicals
-Contrasting Trump’s populist anti-globalist campaign of 2016 with his more conventionally conservative 2024 campaign
-Why Trump’s racist comments about Haitian migrants are crude and politically ineffective
-How Trump is harsh rhetorically but lacks effective policy action, while Biden is the opposite of that
-How the migrant crisis is Biden’s main shortcoming
-Trump’s failure to solve the opioid crisis which requires nationalized solutions
-The GOP transforming into a multi-racial male-dominated working class integralist party
-Why Mark Robinson should own his online comments
-How Silicon Valley has warmed up to the GOP, as an empty vessel that is malleable
-The growing Catholic influence on the Right
-Will the GOP embrace welfare nationalism?
-Why high skilled immigrants from India and East Asia are the future of the Democratic Party
-Deep Left’s ideal immigration policy to have open immigration with NATO nations with an annual 1k cap for all other nations
-How Trump is cozying up to oligarchs to escape Jail and build a future dynasty
-How Democrats are becoming more hierarchical and technocratic, and intolerant of any dissenters
-Whether BLM and wokeness were a color revolution?
-How conservatives complaining about double standards between the treatment of Jan 6th and BLM riots is ironically leftist thinking
–Why Deep Left is not a centrist and Radical Centrism is not viable
-Deep Left’s proposal to create a greater Brahmin class via academia, independent of profit motives
-The study of human genetics and hereditability
-Why the pro-life cause is radically egalitarianism and impractical
-How the job market does not match up with the cognitive abilities of the populace
-Hypothetical proposal to push natalism on the wealthy
-Why Deep Left predicts Kamala will win
Robert Stark speaks with Ross Calvin about his American Colossus Project, a proposal to construct a statue of the Greek Titan, Prometheus, on Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay. Ross Calvin is from New Mexico, has a finance background, running an Austrian economics-focused investment fund in global macro, frontier markets, and volatility for 10 years. He transitioned to become a bitcoin miner, and developed a blockchain platform for oil and gas. Subscribe to Ross Calvin on Substack, and check out the American Colossus project on Substack, X/Twitter, and Instagram.
-The tie in between the Mythos of Prometheus and Sound Money
-Prometheus as a symbol of triumph, beauty, the power of technology, and the regenerative spirit of man
-Ross’s inspiration from Jason Jorjani’s Prometheism, who is no longer involved with the project
-The hope that the Prometheus Statue can usher in a new renaissance for America and California
-The enormous reasons for optimism to counter pessimism and demoralization
-The significance and meaning of “The Pursuit of Happiness”
-How the Prometheus Statue will be a bookend to the Statue of Liberty, but much larger
-San Francisco’s natural and architectural beauty, and significance as the Manifest Destiny City
-The negative publicity about San Francisco’s decay and the drug crisis
-The oppressive symbolism of the Alcatraz prison and why Calvin does not think it has any historic preservation value
-The Statue’s designer and sculptor, Fen de Villiers
-The contrast between the archeo-futurist symbolism of Art Deco vs “the staidness of institutions” of Neo-Classicalism
-The plan to appeal to Trump, as presidents have the authority to create National Monuments
-Trump’s persona as a builder, his proposal to create a statue memorial garden, and his neoclassical executive order
-The project countering the iconoclasm and spirit of deconstruction
-Why artists should have a greater role in the economy and technological innovation
-How Silicon Valley has become monolithic, State oriented, and less creative
-How Prometheus stands against censorship
-Plans for a documentary and a museum that will be a temple to the Promethean spirit
Alexander Ohnemus is an anti-racism/critical race theory advocate from Sacramento, California. He is a follower of the philosopher, Karl Popper, believing in negative utilitarianism (minimizing suffering), open society, and critical rationalism. Check out Alexander’s articles on Substack and Research Gate.
-Alexander’s stance on genetic hereditarianism and how it relates to Racial Equity/CRT
-How colorblind meritocratic arguments are insufficient in explaining social stratification and inequalities
-The concept of Implicit Bias
-Why White people are better off in an Open Society
-How CRT/racial equity relates to a declining White population
-Whether Whites will become more ethnocentric and reactionary as a minority
–Alexander’s proposal to use Transhumanism (eg. artificial wombs) to increase the NW Euro White population to pay for reparations
-Whether this proposal could bridge the Left/Right divide
-Why a more progressive society requires progressive White people to reproduce more
-Whether the Left will allow for positive White Identity Politics (eg. White Guys for Kamala)
-Examples of policies where the Left is better for Whites (eg. work from home boosted White fertility)
-Enclavism/balkanization vs. racial integration in California
-Why reciprocity and harm avoidance are the key foundations for good race relations
-Why the Left is overall better for neurodiversity (eg. disability benefits and autistic people getting more lenient sentences from liberal judges)
-How autistic people are disproportionately harmed by speech codes
-How asexuality is part of LGBTQI and different from the incel issue
-Why incels should stop blaming people who reject them and join LGBTQ
-How artificial wombs could help both asexuals and incels in the future
-How dysgenics leads to Social Darwinism and reactionary societies
-Alexander’s universalist theological views and his book Highly Theoretical Differential Equations of the Afterlife
-How belief in reincarnation enforces social stratification (eg. Hindu Caste system and Plato’s Republic)
-Neville Goddard, New Thought, and the potential risks of manifesting