Daily Archives: June 17, 2014

Robert Stark interviews Alex from Academic Composition








Robert Stark talks to Alex from Academic Composition on writing college papers for money and the massive fraud that is higher education.

Topics include:

Alex’s Russian background and how Russians take a more cynical view towards society than Americans

Addressing the allegations that academic ghost writing is ethically wrong

Demographics of those who use his services include lazy students, older busy employed students, and foreign students

How academia create docile workers for corporations rather than good citizens

Academia as a money making industry

The diminishing value of a College Degree

Ghost writing as a political cause to undermine the system



Part II: Robert Stark interviews James O’Meara about Houellebecq












Michel Houellebecq Sexual Anti-Utopia “The Elementary Articles”

How societal ties have become atomized

The Rise & Fall of the Männerbund in Pre-War American Pop Culture a review of Jeffrey P. Dennis’s “We Boys Together: Teenagers in Love before Girl-Craziness”

Homosexuals as creators of culture

How Homosexual masculinity was historically superior to the effeminate womanizers

Karl Marx’s theory on how if you redistribute wealth without fundamentally changing society you end up with the same problems


Click Here to download!

Part I: Robert Stark interviews James O’Meara about The Eldritch Evola & Others












Topics include:

His recent book “The Eldritch Evola & Others: Traditionalist Meditations on Literature, Art, and Culture”

Why Traditionalist must create something new based on fundamental principles instead of trying to re-create the past

How if you try to recreate the past you end up back where we are today

H.P. Lovecraft and his horrific visions of the future

How the worse thing that could happen has already happened