Category Archives: Aleister Crowley

Robert Stark interviews Adam Parfrey














Robert Stark, co-host Pilleater, and J.G. Michael talks to Adam Parfrey. He is the publisher of Feral House books.


Opening Song: Adam Parfrey – Rubber Room (Porter Wagoner Cover)
The history behind Feral House books.
Apocalypse Culture
Taboo ideas, shock value, avant-garde art
Jim Goad’s Answer Me!
Joseph P Farrell
Anton LaVey and The Church of Satan
You Will Die and You Can’t Win
American Hardcore
Hipster Hitler
It’s A Man’s World
Killer Fiction, The Gates of Janus, Charles Manson
Ed Wood: Nightmare of Ecstasy
David Cole’s Republican Party Animal
Technological Slavery
The Weird World of Eerie Publications
Pacific Ocean Park, Mid-Century Googie architecture
Ye-Ye Girls
Peter Sotos’ Pure Filth Pure Filth about pornographer Jamie Gillis
Experiences with Censorship
Occultism; The book Secret Agent 666 about Aleister Crowley
Adam Parfrey’s play “The Wickedest Man in the World” about Gilles de Rais
Tales of Times Square by Josh Alan Friedman
Citizen Keane by Adam Parfrey
Adam Parfrey’s father actor Woodrow Parfrey; Dirty Harry
Art, and the aesthetics of Feral House’s books
Why Feral House publishes exclusively Non-Fiction

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Robert Stark interviews Paul Bingham about Wyndham Lewis, Ernst Jünger, & Italian Futurism















Robert Stark and co-host Alex von Goldstein talk to Paul Bingham. This show is a continuation of our discussion about Aleister Crowley and Aristocratic Individualism

Topics include:

How Wyndham Lewis, Ernst Jünger, Aleister Crowley, and the Italian Futurist, were individuals who existed outside the liberal reactionary/traditionalist paradigm, and viewed the world in a realist way unbiased by ideology
The cult of Positivism
Italian Futurism, how it was marginalized due to it’s ties to Mussolini, but made a major impact on the arts
How Ayn Rand was influenced by Italian Futurism
Robert Stark’s talk with Rabbit about Italian Futurism
Wynham Lewis’s Vorticist movement, his magazine Blast, and his Rebel Art Centre
The philosophy of the Vortex, which views everything as energy constantly in motion
The rivalry between Italian Futurist Filippo Marinetti and Wyndham Lewis, and how Lewis critiqued Italian Futurism for putting to much emphasis on technology
Wynham Lewis’s The Art of Being Ruled, which made the case that the artist was the best to rule, and that capitalism and liberal democracy suppressed genuine cultural elites
How the book addresses Transsexualism, and anthropological findings on the Third Sex
Kerry Bolton’s essay on Wyndham Lewis
Lewis’s relationship with fascism, how he published the book Hitler (1931), which presented Adolf Hitler as a “man of peace,” but latter wrote an attack on anti-semitism: The Jews, are they human?( 1939)
The influence of war and violence on Italian Futurism
The Manifesto of Futurism
The Futurist Cookbook
Futurism is about testing what works, and rejecting traditions that don’t work
The futurist believed that every generation should create their own city, and futurist Antonio Sant’Elia’s Plan for Città Nuova (“New City”)
Paul worked on a book that was never published, “The Motor City and the Zombie Apocalypse,” about how the motor city is incompatible with human nature
The effects of global technological materialism on culture, and how technology needs the right people and culture to work
Jean Baudrillard point that the Italians have the best symbiosis between culture and technological progress
The Transhumanist concept of Cybernetics, which is rewiring the brain, and how the futurist used poetry as a precursor to cybernetics
Paul’s point that futurist movements such as cyberpunk, and Neoreaction are more focused on Live action role-playing, but are not serious about pushing the limits
The intellectual and transcendental value of LSD and DMT, Ernst Jünger’s experimentation with acid, but they are only effective if the right people use them
Paul’s point that the only real futurist are underground, and experimenting in third world countries
Aristocratic individualism, and Paul’s opinion that Ernst Jünger is the best example, and Jünger’s concept of the Anarch
Ernst Jünger’s science fiction novel The Glass Bees
Ernst Jünger’s “The Worker”

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A talk with Luke Ford and Richard Wolstencroft about Occultism, Nationalism, and the Election of Trump









Robert Stark and co-host Alex von Goldstein talk to fellow Aussies, blogger Luke Ford and filmmaker Richard Wolstencroft

Topics include:

Meme magic and the and theological significance of KEK
Pepe, Kek, and the Rise of an Elder God
Hillary Clinton as the whore of Babylon
Richard’s film The Second Coming, based on the apocalyptic poetry of W. B. Yeats
Richard’s exposure to occultism, and how he came to the conclusion that it is something real, powerful, and potentially dangerous
Jack Parsons’ the Babalon Working, inspired by Aleister Crowley
Wikileaks revealing John Podesta’s involvement in Occultist “Spirit Cooking”
Luke’s point that elite cosmopolitan Jews who are not involved in traditional Judaism, turn to things such as occultism, and how many of the individuals he met in the porn industry dabbled in Satanism
Richard’s story about getting a liver sepsis at age 27, when he was exposed to black magic
Carl Jung’s concept of Shadow Work
Richard’s relationship with Christianity, rebelling against it as a youth, and how his exposure to occultism brought him back to Christianity
How Luke came to Judaism
Luke’s background in porn journalism
Luke’s point that most people crave spirituality in their lives, and if they are not exposed to a traditional religion they will look for that transcendence in other places
Richard porn documentary The Last Days of Joe Blow
Luke and Richard debate sexual morality and promiscuity
Andy Nowicki’s book Confessions of a Would-Be Wanker, about the corrupting nature of sex
The sexual Theories of Wilhelm Reich, which viewed sex as a positive force
When Did Luke Ford Board The Trump Express?
How Richard became a Trump supporter, and his article TRUMP AND THE METAPOLITICS OF WINNING
Trump’s win may be the beginning of a global nationalist populist wave, and the blowback against the globalist elites
The Way Forward for Trump
Jewish attitudes toward Trump, and how 71% of Jews Voted for Clinton, while 24% Backed Trump, with the exception of Orthodox Jews who supported Trump
Prediction of a white baby boom during the Trump presidency, and how birthrates rise when people have economic stability and a sense of optimism in the future
Richard’s point that overpopulation is the key environmental problem, that we need an economy that is not based on growth, and that humanity should ideally be reduced by 80%
Why Luke see’s Nationalism as the key issue, and all other issues as secondary
Charles Murray’s book Human Accomplishment
Why Luke rejects objective morality of good vs. evil, and see’s different groups in competition for scarce resources

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Robert Stark interviews Richard Wolstencroft about Aristocractic Radicalism









Robert Stark and Alex von Goldstein talk to filmmaker Richard Wolstencroft

Topics include:

Aristocratic Radicalism is the notion that Society and Civilization exists to enable and empower great individuals and minds
The Nietzschean origins of Aristocratic Radicalism
Hugo Duchon’s book Nietzsche’s Great Politics
Besides Nietzsche, Richard’s philosophical influences include Ernst Junger, Carl Schmitt, Martin Heidigger, Ezra Pound, TS Elliot, and the Italian Futurist
Nietzsche’s justification of Slavery and other forms of oppression of the masses
In contrast to hereditary aristocracies, great minds and spirits can emerge from the slave class, and must still be enabled
Why a social safety net is necessary to enable great thinkers and creative types to arise
Aleister Crowley, his belief in an Aristocracy of the creative class, and how he saw capitalism as degrading genuine cultural elitism
Richard’s exposure to occultism through filmmaker Kenneth Anger, who was a student of Crowley
Richard’s concept of Transcendental Fascism, which is a new and more peaceful form of fascism, that is based on implementing Aristocratic Radicalism
Transcendental Fascism is an attempt to create a fascism that reinvents itself along dialectical lines toward the absolute, but also hopes to transcend some of the negative sides and effects of past fascism
Richard’s debate with Jim Goad about capping wealth
How it’s necessary to cap income on billionaires, because their excess wealth is used to corrupt the political system, and put into savings rather than invested in the economy
How despite Richard’s support for some degree of socialism, there must still be economic incentives for innovation and success
The Genealogy and Genesis of the Alt-Right, and Richard’s point that Boyd Rice, Jim Goad, Adam Parfrey of Feral House Books, Michael Moyniham, and Douglas P were the godfathers of the Alt-Right
Boyd Rice’s song People, which deals with themes of misanthophy, nihilism, and fascism
Richard’s article Why The Globalist Elite Should Drop Hillary And Support Trump
Richard is sympathetic to the Alt Left
Richard Spencer 2011 NPI Conference speech, where he showed stock footage from the UK in the 1970’s, of hippies protesting against mass immigration
Richard’s friend musician David Thrussell, who is a leftist but agrees with Richard most of the time
Richard’s documentary Heart of Lightness about the war in Uganda
David Lynch, his interested in transcendental meditation, dark themes in his films, and his politics
Paul Schrader
Richard’s upcoming film the Debt Collector, which is a revenge genre film with political themes

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Robert Stark interviews Paul Bingham about Aleister Crowley


Robert Stark and co-host Alex von Goldstein talk to Paul Bingham about Aleister Crowley

Topics include:

Today Aleister Crowley exists either as an icon of occultism, used by subcultures, derided by others, but few are familiar with his political and philosophical ideas
Kerry Bolton’s series on Aleister Crowley as a Political Theorist, Part 1 and Part 2
Political Platform based on Crowley’s ideas
Julius Evola on Crowley
James J. O’Meara’s reivew of Richard B. Spence’s book Secret Agent 666
Crowley’s religion Thelema
Crowley’s fascination with power structures
Crowley transcended politics and did not fit into either traditionalism or the left
Crowley did not fit into the left for rejecting egalitarianism and mass democracy, and the right for rejecting free markets and traditional morality
Crowley’s Aristocratic individualism, and his belief in an Aristocracy of the creative class
Wyndham Lewis‘s book The Art of Being Ruled, which like Crowley advocated the rule of the creative class
Crowley viewed the masses as spiritualy inferior
Crowley saw capitalism as degrading genuine cultural elitism
Crowley rejecting Marxism, but supported a social safety net to free up the creative class
Crowley’s value of leisure
Crowley came to the same conclusions about economics as the Distributist and Social creditors, who were Traditional Catholics
Distributism and Social Credit are the economic systems most compatable with Aristocratic Individualism
Homo economicus
Crowley’s critique of democracy
Crowley’s environmentalism
Crowley’s interest in Mountaineering
Crowley tested the limits of human nature and practiced what he wrote about
The futurist philosophy is about testing what works
Crowley’s view of the future was that things will collapse and a new brighter future will emerge
Crowley’s erotic poetry series White Stains, and how he practiced the sexual acts he wrote about
Crowley used sexual experimentation to further his intellectual state, but did not advocate it for the masses
Why the individual must have freedom to exist within their own personal boundaries
Crowley’s advocacy of youth colonies, how the elites practice youth camps, and the importance of controlling youth
How male bonding and inter generational relationships are stigmatized for the masses
How Crowley often took the passive role in sexual acts with both men and women
Paul’s point that most people are either sexually dominant or submissive, but that being a switch is a uniquely Anglo trait
Crowley as the original Troll
Paul’s point that if Crowley were alive today he would be disinterested in western politics
Our upcoming show with Paul on Italian Futurism, and how Crowley, Wyndham Lewis, and the futurist had similar ideas, but were fiercely independent from one another

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Robert Stark interviews Keith Preston about Thinkers Against Modernity














Robert Stark and co-host Alex von Goldstein interview Keith Preston about his book Thinkers Against Modernity

Topics include:

How the book is an examination of thinkers critical of modernity from a value neutral perspective
How Keith is influenced by the intellectual tradition of the enlightenment, yet finds value in traditionalist critiques of modernity
Julius Evola as the purest critique of modernity
How the Right tends to have a pessimistic view of the present and idealizes a particular era of the past(ex. Julius Evola the 8th Century BC, Nietzsche the Sophist era in Ancient Greece,  Traditional Catholics the Middle Ages, and mainstream conservatives the 1950’s or Reagan Era)
Defining characteristic of the Right include rejection of social change, egalitarianism, and universalism, and a fixed view of human nature
Nietzsche’s point that ideologies become new religions, and how the modern politically correct left is a new moralistic religion rather than genuine liberalism or Marxism
Aleister Crowley’s aristocratic individualism, and his view that capitalism and mass democracy degraded a genuine cultural elitism
The Distributist G.K. Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc, their views on the distribution of capital, and their critic of capitalism as degrading traditional values
Carl Schmidt’s view that democracy was incompatible with liberal individualism
How Carl Schmidt subscribed to the realist school of though and viewed the United States as having an ideologically driven foreign policy
The United States as a nation founded on Classical Liberalism and the Enlightenment
The European New Right, how it was founded in the late 1960’s as a counter to the New Left, fusing aspects of the New Left with the conservative revolution of the interwar period
How the New Right tried to appeal to the left on issues such as anti-globalization, anti-consumerism, anti-imperialism, and environmentalism
The New Right’s critique of political correctness, feminism, and mass immigration as being products of capitalism
Noam Chomsky on capitalism and anti-racism
The American Alternative Right, how it is influenced by the European New Right, and how it is different
Guillaume Faye’s Archeo-Futurism and futurist thought on the right

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