Category Archives: Alex von Goldstein

Robert Stark interviews Keith Preston about The Tyranny of the Politically Correct

Tyranny of Political Correctness















Robert Stark and co-host Alex von Goldstein interview Keith Preston about his new book The Tyranny of the Politically Correct – Totalitarianism in the Postmodern Age(Black House Publishing)

Topics include:

The origins and history of political correctness
Keith’s first exposure to political correctness when he was active on the far left
How influences behind political correctness include the Frankfurt School, the Privilege Theory, Maoism, and Progressive Christianity
How political correctness started out on the fringes, infiltrated key institutions, and become the dominant ideology of the establishment
How every state and ruling class has an ideology to justify it’s power
How political correctness relies upon dehumanizing it’s opponents
How political correctness uses the Police State to enforce it’s agenda
How the liberal establishment has abandoned traditional progressive causes such as civil liberties, non-interventionism, workers rights, and the environment, and how that leaves an opening for opposition movements to take op those causes
How police brutality is a major problem but the left selectively chooses cases that push their agenda

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Robert Stark interviews Richard Spencer about the Meme Wars

Richard Spencer Pepe













Robert Stark and co-host Alex von Goldstein interview Radix Journal editor Richard Spencer

Topics include:

Creating an Alt Right/Safe Space at UC Berkeley(Video of the event)
Mocking the SJW meme of a safe space, which is a zone immune from “offensive speech”
The concept of a meme as a cultural gene
How creating a culture of irreverence has made a bigger impact than intellectual causes
Donald Trump’s role as a meme carrier and political bulldozer
The  death of Conservative Inc, Trump’s role in it’s demise, and what will replace it
The mainstreaming of The Alt-Right
6 Degrees of Richard Spencer
Critical theory

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Robert Stark interviews Bay Area Guy about the New American Civil Wars

Ghiridelli Square-SF










Robert Stark and co-host Alex von Goldstein talk to Bay Area-based blogger  Bay Area Guy of  Occident Invicta

Topics include:

How Bay Area Guy is one of the Alt-Right’s few Bernie Sanders supporters
How Bernie Sanders was the only candidate to not attend AIPAC , and Bay Area Guy’s view that the Alt-Right gave Trump a free pass for pandering to AIPAC and the Neocons
How the most crucial aspect of Trump’s campaign is his role in expanding the overton window and undermining the establishment
How Trump supporters are primarily anti-establishment rather than conservative ideologues
How Donald Trump is running to the left of Hillary Clinton and whether he will appeal to disaffected Sanders supporters
Red State article about Trump democrats “ruining” the GOP, who are described as racist democrats who want handouts for white people
The decline of Conservative Inc.
How the political coalitions on the left are also breaking downs
How Bernie  Sanders undermines the Neoliberal/Social Justice Warrior Alliance
Thomas Frank’s(What’s the Matter with Kansas? author) new book Listen, Liberal: Or, What Ever Happened to the Party of the People
Social Justice, Social Darwinism, and the Curious Case of SF’s Housing Squeeze
Steve Sailer’s article San Fran Whitening Plan
The civil war among the Bay Area’s left on the housing issue, including wealthy NIMBY‘s, anti-capitalist anti-gentrification activist, and pro-density groups such as BARF
Michael Hudon’s book Killing the Host about the FIRE economy,  based on the Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate sectors
London’s new Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan, and how Bay Area Guy views him as another identitarian neo-liberal like Obama
The California Senate Race and how the Democratic front runner Kamala Harris also fits that mold
Why Bay Area Guy views the Democratic runner up Loretta Sanchez as preferable to Harris
Senate Candidate Ron Unz’s Radical Centrist Platform, which combines the best aspects of the left, right, and libertarianism, and how Radical Centrism is an emerging trend in politics

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Robert Stark interviews Ron Unz about his campaign for Senate

Ron Unz










Robert Stark and co-host Alex von Goldstein talk to Ron Unz about his campaign for US Senate in California.  Ron Unz is the editor of The Unz Review and his campaign website is He is also chairman of Free Harvard/Fair Harvard, a slate of candidates running for the university’s Board of Overseers on a platform of immediately abolishing undergraduate tuition.

Topics include:

How Ron Unz organized and sponsored a successful ballot initiative(prop 227) to keep English in the Schools
The San Francisco Chronicle article about Ron Unz, Even Republicans Swing Left in 1st California U.S. Senate Debate
His support for Raising the Minimum Wage
Raising the minimum wage as a politically correct way to reduce illegal immigration
His stance on Immigration  and support for a reduction in legal immigration
How mass immigration effects workers and the environment
Cutting College Tuition and his campaign for ending tuition at Harvard
The Myth of American Meritocracy
Opposing Affirmative Action
Controlling the Wall Street Casinos and His support for a Financial Transaction Tax
The importance of Admitting the Iraq War was a Disaster
Civil Liberties and Government Surveillance

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Robert Stark interviews Giovanni Dannato










Robert Stark and co-host Alex von Goldstein talk to Giovanni Dannato. He blogs at Colony of Commodus and is the author of A Kingdom For the Introvert.

Topics include:

Why he describes himself as a Neo-Progressive
How he shares many views with those who call themselves Neo-Reactionaries, but  does not consider himself one of them
Caste systems in modern societies
A Fair and Just Caste System
Sorting Out the Castes: Easy Disqualifiers
The problem Marxism and Capitalism have in common.
The importance of controlling who controls wealth
Market Demand Must Be Regulated
What Money Rewards, We Get More Of
The Middle Class: Caught In Between
The Deep divides in American culture
How Trump and Sanders Are Part of the Same Political Movement
How dissident and populist movements are no longer prole movements, and are attracting many dissafected SWPL’s
The Need For Grandeur
The effects of aesthetic uniformity on the human spirit in architecture and urban planning
Overpopulation Altruism Is Misguided

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Robert Stark interviews Presidential Candidate Scott Smith

Scott Smith













Robert Stark and co-host Alex von Goldstein talk to independent presidential candidate Scott Smith. With a background in Wall Street finance, Scott Smith is a serial entrepreneur, having co-founded companies in such diverse industries as agriculture, finance, educational media, and technology. He began his career as a pioneer grower of Sunburst tangerines, helping to develop a market for the fruit and establish the variety’s popularity. In the 1990’s Scott was an early pioneer in structured finance, developing the model for conduit financing. His model was rapidly adopted by Wall Street and used for securitizing many forms of debt. His campaign website is Scott Smith 2016

Topics include:

Scott Smith’s plan to abolish the income tax, pay off the deficit without cutting social programs
How Scott’s economic proposals adress both the concerns of the left and the right
Scott’s support for a Financial Settlements Tax to replace the income tax
How under Banking 2.0 you would no longer pay interest on loans, so loans would cost less than they do today
How Banks would obtain money for loans directly from the Fed at no interest, so little banks would be able to compete with big banks, helping to reduce service fees for customers
The need for a basic citizens income and how to implement it without using tax revenue and creating inflation
Healthcare, how we pay more money to insurance companies than we do to healthcare, and Scott’s solutions
Scott’s plan to legalize drugs and putting the government in charge of producing and selling drugs
Scott’s book The Ten Financial Commandments
How to explain financial policies in layman’s terms

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Robert Stark interviews Anatoly Karlin about Radical Centrism, Immigration, Trump & Russia













Robert Stark and co-host Alex von Goldstein talk to Anatoly Karlin

Topics include:

Anatoly’s article Trump’s Seven Nations about the geography of Trump support
Joel Garreau’s 1981 book The Nine Nations of North America
Radical Centrism and a political quiz Anatoly took
How Conservatives reject science on global warming and liberals on HBD
Whether Trump Will Make Amtrak Run on Time and the need to invest in mass transit
Trump’s stance towards Russia
Trump to Get NATO Off Our Backs?
Trump is Factually Right on Putin and Journalists
Millionaires Flee Sinking Europe
The conservative view that taxing the rich causes wealth to leave versus the nationalist populist view that the rich are subversive and disloyal to the nation, and how to put forth sensible economic policies to address those concenrs
Immigrant Crime Rates in Germany
Anatoly’s article The USA as a Communal Apartment about the demographics of UC Berkeley
Whether there is a Bamboo ceiling
The Forbes 400 By Ethnicity
How the key to economic success is a combination of high IQ and social fluency
Study: 40% of Millennials Oppose ‘Offensive’ Free Speech

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Robert Stark interviews Alex von Goldstein












Topics include:

Alex’s ideological and philosophical journey
How Alex’s political views are where the dissident right meets the radical center
Alex’s upcoming podcast “The Lord of the Gadflies”
How Alex defines liberalism as modern society, a mutable force with different layers
America’s cultural homogenization
The pros and cons of individualism
How our world is at a point of disintegration(the Kali Yuga) and we are at a void
Why Alex supports Donald Trump primarily as a metaphorical symbolic figure against the globalist establishment
Donald Trump, “New York values”, and how he is searching for values of the American people
Radical Centrism, which is where the left and right overlap against the establishment
How giving out information is often more effective than pushing an ideological agenda
Alex’s view that it is important to maintain a European demographic majority, but rejects crude racial thinking such as disliking a person because of their race
The Red Pill, Blue Pill, Iron Pill, Bread Pill(Christianity) Yellow Pill(Libertarianism, Anarchism), and Black Pill
How the Red Pill is the rejection of the dominant values of society
How with the Red Pill one must develop their own world view and perception of the truth
How the Red Pill leads to either the Iron Pill, which is self improvement and self realization, or the black pill which represents alienation, nihilism, and despair
Christianity, Catholicism, and Spirituality
The Millennial generation, and how they are unique in the sense they were spoiled growing but now face a dire economic situation
The appeal of Bernie Sanders to Millennials
The NEET Phenomenon

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Robert Stark interviews Paul Gottfried about his book Fascism: The Career of a Concept

Fascism The Career of a Concept
















Robert Stark and co-host Alex von Goldstein talk to Professor Paul Gottfried about his latest book Fascism: The Career of a Concept

Topics include:

How Fascism is used as a pejorative to describe any opposing political movement
Defining Fascism and how most people who use the term cannot define it
Mussolini’s Italy as the truest form of fascism
How Hitler was not a generic Fascist and that Franco in Spain was not a Fascist at all
Ernst Nolte‘s Fascism In Its Epoch and his view that fascism was a counter-revolutionary movement to socialism
Non European movements influenced by Fascism such as Black Nationalist Marcus Garvey, Zionist Ze’ev Jabotinsky, and the Hindutva movement in India
The de-Nazification process in postwar Germany and how it had a delayed effect
The Frankfurt School(Cultural Marxist) who have used anti-Fascism to shape the political discourse
Cultural Marxist versus Traditional Marxist and how the former abandoned economic issues
How mainstream conservatives also miss use the term(ex.Eco-fascism, Islamo-Fascism, Liberal Fascism)
The myth that fascism was on the left
How conservatives have adopted the values and rhetoric of the left
Paul Gottfried’s article Will a Trump Victory Actually Dislodge the Neocons?

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