Category Archives: Social Justice Warriors

Robert Stark interviews Keith Preston about The Tyranny of the Politically Correct

Tyranny of Political Correctness















Robert Stark and co-host Alex von Goldstein interview Keith Preston about his new book The Tyranny of the Politically Correct – Totalitarianism in the Postmodern Age(Black House Publishing)

Topics include:

The origins and history of political correctness
Keith’s first exposure to political correctness when he was active on the far left
How influences behind political correctness include the Frankfurt School, the Privilege Theory, Maoism, and Progressive Christianity
How political correctness started out on the fringes, infiltrated key institutions, and become the dominant ideology of the establishment
How every state and ruling class has an ideology to justify it’s power
How political correctness relies upon dehumanizing it’s opponents
How political correctness uses the Police State to enforce it’s agenda
How the liberal establishment has abandoned traditional progressive causes such as civil liberties, non-interventionism, workers rights, and the environment, and how that leaves an opening for opposition movements to take op those causes
How police brutality is a major problem but the left selectively chooses cases that push their agenda

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Robert Stark interviews Bay Area Guys about the case for Economic Populism













Robert Stark and co-host Rabbit talk to Bay Area based blogger  Bay Area Guy of  Occident Invicta

Topics include:

Rabbit’s Alt Left and how it’s similar to the views expressed in Bay Area’s guys article The Radical Center
Ha-Joon Chang’s 23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism
Bay Area Guy’s Review: “Saving Capitalism” by Robert Reich
National Capitalism
Ralph Nader: What About Some Corporate Patriotism?
The role that mass immigration plays is suppressing wages
The white economic division
How the differences between liberal and conservatives elites are superficial
How mass immigration and economic changes are beginning to have an impact on the upper middle class
The mass exodus of working class and middle class whites out of California
Donald Trump & Bernie Sanders
How the driving force behind Sanders’s campaign is economics but is under pressure from Social Justice Warriors
Whether those divisions  could push young white male Sander’s supporters(Bernie Bros) towards Trump or the Alt Right
The division between the Republican donor class and rank and file which Trump is appealing to
Corporate monopolies and how corporations use government regulation to suppress their competition and prevent startups
Healthcare and how insurance  originally started out as people pooling their resources instead of massive for profit industries
America’s economic peak and how WWII and the Cold War gave the elites an incentive to provide the people with economic opportunities
The flaws of libertarian idealism
The need to change the conversation around economics and provide proper solutions
The European Migrant Crisis

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Robert Stark interviews Matt Forney about the NPI Conference, US Cities, Houellebecq, & the Paris Terror Attack










Topics include:

Matt’s experience at the recent National Policy Institute’s Conference in Washington DC
How the theme of the conference Become Who We Are was about creating a new identity
How Left-Wing Activists Tried to Shut Down This Year’s NPI Conference”
Matt take on Washington DC, and how it would be a great city if it weren’t for it’s people
How transplants tend to fulfill the obnoxious stereotypes of cities(ex. DC, NY, LA, Portland)
Obnoxious broke hipsters in Portland vs. obnoxious trust fund hipster in NYC
How NY hipster transplants benefited from the same Police enforcement and gentrification which they agitate against
How New York’s gentrification has made the city sterile and killed it’s creative energy
Kill Your Idols documentary about the punk scene in NY in the early 80’s
Matt’s life in Chicago, and how despite it’s crime it has a cohesive culture and affordable living
How Chicago shutting down it’s public housing projects such as  Cabrini–Green dispersed crime over a larger area
Matt experience living in Portland, Oregon, and how Portlandia is so accurate it’s not even funny
Why Matt favors urban living over suburban or rural living
Why Matt views the suburbs as an unfortunate social development but they developed because the left destroyed cities and forced out the middle class
How major cities such as NY once had vibrant urban middle classes
E. Michael Jones’s The Slaughter of Cities: Urban Renewal As Ethnic Cleansing
How the further away we get  from nature the greater increase in social dysfunction we see
Matt’s trip to Las Vegas and how his friend Davis Aurini describes the city as an “honest whore”
Anti-Natalism and how it’s an interesting philosophical question but attempts to apply reason to interfere with nature
How Anti-Natalism appeals to the most thoughtful and intelligent  individuals thus removing them from the gene pool
Michel Houellebecq The Father Of The Term “Sexual Marketplace”
Houellebecq’s Whatever which is about people who lost out on the sexual revolution
Houellebecq’s Submission which is about an Islamist takeover of France and whether that scenario is likely
Louis-Ferdinand Céline
The recent terrorist attack in Paris and future scenarios in Europe

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Robert Stark interviews Matt Forney about the Virginia TV Shooting


Topics include:

Did the Media Drive Gay Black Man Vester Flanagan to Murder Two Journalists?
The Black Lives Matter Movement which incites violence and has mainstream media and political support
How the Black Lives Matter movement is biased in favor of Hillary Clinton against Bernie Sanders
The life and psychological profile of Vester Flanagan
How Flanagan differs from the profile of white male shooters who tend to be more socially and economically marginalized
How we’re now averaging more than one mass shooting per day
Why mass shootings are on the rise
How we are seeing a whole class of people pushed to the economic margins
People with Asperger’s and how they are screwed in modern atomized society
How bizarre subcultures such as Bronies are forming in reaction to social marginalization
The Phenomenon of young men joining ISIS
How people will likely form new functioning communities in reaction to a broken society
Why the Manosphere’s Fear of ‘TradCons’ is Misguided And Cowardly
More on the Trump campaign and whether his populist stances will repudiate the stupidity of Reagan Conservatism


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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Artwork