Category Archives: Social Justice Warriors

Alt Left Chaos Magic With Brandon Adamson









Robert Stark and co-host Sam Kevorkian talk to Brandon Adamson. Brandon blogs at, is the author of Beatnik Fascism, and has a Youtube channel Self Checkout.


Brandon’s Official Response to Trump’s Remarks on the AltLeft
The context of Trump using the term “Alt-Left” to describe the antfa as opposed to the original Alt Left
The media’s references to Brandon’s Alt Left site and how the only semi accurate one was The Week’s Article
Confusing political hacks with esoteric outlandish cultural references
The “Orange Pill”
How the less aggro elements of the Left and the Alt-Right should combine forces for single payer health care, student debt relief, and the dismantling the College Football Industrial Complex
How massive online censorship forces people to build alternative tech universes
Corporations enforcing a uniform culture of consensus among workers
Companies policing employees behavior outside of work
Why a 6 hour work day would be more efficient
People Don’t Think Universal Basic Income Be Like It Is but It Do
New Suburbanism

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Round Table Discussion on Charlottesville & Political Polarization











Robert Stark joined with Keith Preston of Attack the System, Sam Kevorkian, J.G. Michael, and Joshua Zeidner discuss the “Unite The Right” event in Charlottesville Virginia, the aftermath, and it’s implications for political discourse.


Keith Preston’s essay Some Initial Thoughts on Charlottesville
How the message of the rally was unclear and incoherent; the “Occupy Wall Street” of the Right
The media’s reaction and the Public relations disaster for the Alt-Right
How the Police handled the event and past cases where the Police were ordered to stand down
Trump’s diplomatic response
How both the Alt-Right and SJW Left are reacting to growing wealth disparities; including many former members of the Upper Middle Class
Political polarization as a reflection of alienation among youth
Conspiracy theories about both left and right wing protesters being controlled opposition
The rise of the far right and left and the ineptitude of the Center
The political fragmentation of the Elites and the Media
The rise in political violence
The massive online crackdown on the Alt-Right in the aftermath of Charlottesville
Corporate censorship(ex.VDARE targeted by corporate left)
Extending the First Amendment to corporations
ACLU: White Supremacists no longer entitled to all First Amendment rights
Noam Chomsky: Antifa is a ‘major gift to the Right’

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Robert Stark interviews Yan Pagh about the Alt Center










Robert Stark and co-host Sam Kevorkian talk to Yan Pagh. Yan is based in Denmark and runs the Alt-Center Facebook Group


The basic definition of the Alt-Center as rejecting the far left, the far right, and the establishment
The Alt-Center as non-aligned; a new movement that is flexible and evolving
How the left and the right have become merely reactions to one another
The importance of debate and an open exchange of ideas
How political polarization has lead to a rise in censorship
How the Alt-Right and Alt-Left emerged
Top Hats and Champaign: The original alt-centrism
Yan’s observation that the Hippie Culture he grew up with was much more free than today’s left
The immigration debate, the left’s suppression of debate, and the right’s monopoly on the opposition
European immigration restriction parties adopting left and center positions
Naser Khader and his book “Honor and Shame”
Danish Culture

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Robert Stark talks to Jim Goad about the New Church Ladies and Re Release of Answer Me!











Robert Stark, co-host Pilleater, and Cartrell Payne(The Adventure Kid) talk to JIM GOAD about his new book The New Church Ladies and re release of ANSWER Me! by Nine-Banded Books.


Jim’s new book The New Church Ladies: The Extremely Uptight World of “Social Justice”
Social Justice as a new secular religion and their moral absolutist nature
Social Justice Warriors totalitarian tactics and dehumanization of those they disagree with
Jim’s early experience with political correctness in the Punk Scene in the early 80’s; Rock Against Racism
Jim’s experiences with anti-racist skinheads in Portland
Experiences with censorship in 1994 for the publication of Answer Me!’s “Rape Issue”
The Redneck Manifesto and the white privilege fallacy
Michael Hoffman’s They Were White and They Were Slaves
The liberal establishment abandoning economic issues and political correctness as a tool to disarm working class opposition to globalization
Individualism vs Identitarianism; “If you can’t beat them join them”
“Why Are White Death Rates Rising?”
The re release of ANSWER Me! All Four Issues
Peter Sotos’s “Quality Time” article for the “Rape Issue” which lead to threats of prosecution for obscenity
Jim & Debbie Goad on Hot Seat with Wally George
Music interest; 80’s rap music,  70’s British Glam including Garry Glitter, Rockabilly, and ‘Psycho’: The darkly insane country music classic
Philadelphia, Temple University where both Pilleater and Jim attended, and the city’s reputation

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666D Interuniversal Teichmuller Chess with Anatoly Karlin











Robert Stark, co-host Pilleater, and Rabbit talk to Anatoly Karlin. He blogs at The Unz Review and has a new Russian language podcast rogpr(Russian Occupation Government Public Relations) hosted by Kirill Nesterov (@strana_mechty), and with @paypigdog.


Anatoly’s article This Fishy Smell of Sarin, or Was It Chlorine?
How there was no evidence nor motive that Assad was behind the attack
Trump’s motives for attacking Syria
Reactions to #SyriaStrikes
The situation in North Korea
The Alt Right as the antiwar resistance and how Antifa attacked Richard Spencer’s Anti-War protest
Cucked by the Donald
Anatoly’s point that the dissident right has a tendency towards binary thinking
The recent terrorist attacks in Saint-Petersburg and Sweden
Moderate Kazakh Rebels and the rise of radical Islam in Central Asia
The Triumph of “Patriotic Corruption”
Russia’s Protest Season
Russian presidential candidate Alexei Navalny and An Analysis of Navalny’s Program

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Robert Stark talks to Bay Area Guy about Trump & The Healthcare Cartel










Robert Stark and co-host Pilleater talk to Bay Area-based blogger Bay Area Guy of Occident Invicta.


Bay Area Guy’s article Healthcare and The Donald about the demise of the Republican healthcare bill, and its implications for Trumpian nationalism
How America’s healthcare system is a vile abomination, and the passage of Ryancare/Trumpcare would have compounded the problem
Richard Spencer’s article Why Trump Must Champion National Healthcare
How Obamacare itself wasn’t really “socialism” but rather an insurance scheme
How like debt deflation, our current healthcare albatross renders Americans meek and servile
Donald Trump Praised Socialized Healthcare in the past
Why Trump owning universal healthcare would force both neoliberals and “cucks” into a corner
Why whoever passes single-payer will alter the political landscape for generations
Gaining ground by championing certain progressive causes(universal healthcare, a stronger safety net, and a higher minimum wage), ignored by the corporatized left
Corporate suppression of free speech, and how the threat of loss of healthcare shuts down political dissidents
Tony Soprano Versus the Health Insurance Mafia
Why insurance companies should be public utilities, and the need for price controls on prescriptions drugs
Bay Area Guy’s experience working at an insurance brokerage firm
Globalization and Designated Shitting Streets
UCSF’s decision to outsource 49 of its IT jobs to India
Steve Sailer’s article Malibu, America’s Least Welcoming Town, Declares Itself a Sanctuary City
Wahhabism and Globalism
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Introduces the Stop Arming Terrorists Act
Refugees and White South Africans

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Robert Stark talks to Pilleater about his Novella “Trip”













Robert Stark talks to Pilleater about his new novella Trip. Pilleater blogs at Asian Aryanism | Making Animate Real!


The creation of Trip and Pilleater’s other new book Almond Eyes, Baby Face
Cause & Effect’s Trip album
The main characters Tom Delunge and Daisy Liang
Information Society –Pure Energy
Tom Delunge as an alter ego of Pilleater, Robert Stark as Howard Festler, and Rabbit as Turtle
Sex and Race-Play in the book
Tom’s stand-up comedy as a way to deal with his past trauma
Asian-Aryanism as a new sub-culture
Porn Actress Harriet Sugarcookie, Franny Choi, and avant-garde Asian culture(Amped Asia Magazine, Alt-Porn)
Asian-Aryanism as the new street or “queer theory” culture, synergizing the Alt-Right/Left, Adam Parfrey’s Apocalypse Culture, and Asian studies
The setting of Santa Barbara, West Coast America
Chinese vs Japanese culture
Tom’s dreams; the subconscious dream becomeing a reality; Phillip K. Dick’s VALIS, and the film Monkeybone
SJW culture and the “Yellow Feminist”
Jack Kerouac’s On the Road and the cliche of road trip stories in film
Socioeconomics, snob culture, and the fetish of youth culture

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Robert Stark talks to Rabbit about the Milo Controversy









Robert Stark, co-host Pilleater, and Youtuber Left of Arbanon, talk to Rabbit about the Milo Controversy. Rabbit blogs at


Milo’s Controversial comments
The media’s reaction, Milo’s resignation from Breitbart, and cancellation of his book deal
The key points are that Milo never advocated anything illegal, and was talking about himself as a teenager
Milo as a Free Speech advocate, and why no subject should be taboo to discuss
How Rabbit has written articles critical of Milo in the past, but this incident makes him more sympathetic to him
The importance of distinguishing between teenagers and real pedophilia
Age of Consent Laws, and societies double standards regarding teen sexuality
Parallels between pedophilia and racism accusation to demonize political adversaries
Salon Removes its articles by Todd Nickerson
Greg Johnson’s article The Coming Pedophile Rape Epidemic in response to Salon
National Review blames Milo’s comments on the Alt-Right
Milo’s mistake in apologizing, and how not apologizing is what made Milo successful in the first place
Pizzagate and the “Pedophile Elite”
Gore Vidal’s defense of Roman Polanski
Beatniks Allen Ginsberg, and William S. Burroughs‘s novel Naked Lunch
Japanese Mangas Kaze to Ki no Uta, and Patalliro!, filmmaker Lasse Nielsen, and writer Peter Sotos
How Homosexual Culture was Avant Garde when it was suppressed
Homosexuality in Ancient Greece
Rabbit’s article The Other Mayans about 70’s Mayan Revival Architecture
Retro Ocean City in Wildwood, New Jersey

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Robert Stark interviews Bay Area Guy about our Rigged Economic System















Robert Stark and co-host Pilleater talk to Bay Area-based blogger  Bay Area Guy of Occident Invicta


Bay Area Guy’s review of Dean Baker’s Rigged: How Globalization and the Rules of the Modern Economy Were Structured to Make the Rich Richer
How Baker along with Michael Hundson, were some of the few economists to get the housing bubble right
Why Baker does not praise of Bill Clinton’s budget surpluses, and his critique of conservative fiscal hawks
Rules and regulations are what make the market, and how America’s current inequality was caused by deliberate policies designed to redistribute income upward
Using Free Market talking points against apologist for the plutocracy
Professional Protectionism(ex. Nurses and Paralegals being barred from performing tasks of doctors and lawyers)
CEO to worker pay disparities, and Baker’s proposal that Shareholders should vote on CEO compensation; German and Japanese Stakeholder Capitalism
Copyright and Insurance Monopolies
How to rig the market in our favor
Zoe Lofgren and the H-1B Question
Winston Churchill on Land Monopoly
Michael Hudson’s article Trump Infrastructure Plan Is Developer Welfare
Robert’s point that cohesive urban mass transit is necessary, but must be funded by either taxes on the FIRE sector or a Public Infrastructure Bank
The importance of sustaining an urban middle class
Scattered Thoughts on Political Violence

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Robert Stark talks to Ryan Englund about the SJW Riots









Robert Stark, Co-host Pilleater, and Rabbit talk to Ryan Englund. He blogs at Samizdat Chronicles


The UC Berkeley Antifa/SJW Riots against Trump and Milo
The parallels between Milo’s color blind Civic Nationalism, and the Alt-Left, Rabbit’s identitarian Alt-Left
How FOX News and other mainstream conservatives outlets have described the Rioters as Alt Left, and how that contributes to SJW entriest into the Alt-Left
Alt-Left Founder Robert Lindsay disowns the Left Wing of the Alt-Right over Trump, and calls for an Alliance with the PC/SJW Left against Trump and the Republican Party
Ryan’s point that there cannot be an Alt-Left/SJW Alliance
Ryan’s critic of SJW’s/Antifa from a Classical Marxist perspective
Ryan’s article Are You Tired of Winning Yet? on Trump’s performance, both the good and bad aspects
Trump’s accomplishment stopping the Trans Pacific Partnership and his immigration policies
Trump’s plutocratic cabinet, and talk about repealing Financial Regulations
Trump’s foreign policy, his saber rattling against Iran, and how the combination of Trump’s friendliness to both Israel and Russia has divided the Neocons
Saudi Arabia and the Petrodollar
The Dakota Access Pipeline, Oil Nationalization, and Alternative Energy
Romantic racism, and how it has effected the environmental and antiwar movements
Social Credit, and the Alberta Social Credit Party

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