Category Archives: Identitarianism

Robert Stark talks to Pilleater about Almond Eyes Baby Face
















Robert Stark talks to Pilleater about his new book Almond Eyes, Baby Face(available on Lulu) which is series of short stories. Pilleater blogs at Asian Aryanism and the Mineo Maya Fanclub


The autobiographical nature of the first story
The theme of dealing with trauma from High school and College and struggling to fulfill the Psychosocial narrative
Nana’s Song inspired by Natalie Portman in Leon the Professional
The transcript of Pilleater’s Omegle chat where he pretended to be an Asian Girl
How Pilleater sees the book as his version of Yukio Mishima’s Confessions of a Mask
Pilleater’s essay he submitted to Radix “Why I’m an Identitarian”
Pilleater’s advocacy of Asian Aryanism
Pilleater’s Asian Aryanism in contrast with Asian colonization of the west and the growing rootless identity among Eurasians
The criticisms of Pilleater’s work from both the Alt-Right and SJW Left
The books cut up of the Right Stuff’s article 4 Reasons You Shouldn’t Date Asian Girls
The WMAFL phenomenon
Pilleater poem Easy Tiger dedicated to Porn Star Harriet Sugar Cookie
A hypothetical Asian Aryan ethnostate; it’s culture, politics, and aesthetics
Creating new Avant Garde sub-cultures
The Vaporwave science fiction story in the book
The cover art by Thai artist Piemboons inspired by Trevor Brown
The erotic science fiction story the “Rape of M’Khal” which was added to the new edition of Trip by Pilleater

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings!

Robert Stark interviews Vincent Law











Robert Stark and co-host Pilleater talk to . Vincent is based in Russia, blogs at Atavistic Intelligentsia, and co-hosts the Red Dawn Podcast


Vincent’s background being born in the Ukraine, growing up in the United States, and living in Russia
Identity and the importance of understanding ones roots
The generational divides in Russia
The effects of Communism on Russian Culture
The Yeltsin era in the 90’s, the populist backlash, and the rise of Putin
Social Nationalism, rejecting right wing economics, and why it’s crucial to appeal to factions of the disaffected left
Bobo Nationalism
The Bronze, Silver, and Gold Soul Theory
Cultural Appropriation, LARPING, and Elite Slumming
Chad Nationalism is a Bad Idea
Vincent’s observations from his recent trip to Sweden
Singh – A Sikh Perspective on the Alt-Right
The Alt-Right Should Support Gentrification
Moscow and Saint Petersburg’s architecture; Archeo-Futurism
Vince’s Cyberpunk Sci-Fi Novel Jak’s Play set in Saint Petersburg in the future, and the upcoming sequel set in Sweden

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings!


Robert Stark interviews Reactionary Tree














Robert Stark and Co-host Pilleater talk to Reactionary Tree.


Reactionary Tree’s political background in the Ron Paul movement and Tea Party and how he got involved with the Alt-Right
Why he uses Reactionary in his moniker
Reactionaries as wanting to return to the past as opposed to creating visions for the future and whether he will change his moniker to Futurist Tree
Archeofuturism; the need for a futurist aesthetic that channels the romantic heroic visions of the past
Synthwave Artist Xurious and how his music is the essence of archeo-futurism
The Left Wing of the Alt-Right and how becoming an identitarian pushed his views to the left on economics and the environment
Identitarianism; Ethno vs. Civic Nationalism
The Left Justifies Political Violence and the concept of Anarcho-Tyranny
The shutdown of the Alt-Right Reddit and Reactionary Tree’s banning from Twitter
Corporate Censorship and whether social media should be nationalized to protect free speech
Rejecting free market orthodoxy
Income inequality and the destruction of the middle class
The necessity of an alliance between the Alt-Right, Alt-Lite Civic Nationalist, and non-SJW Bernie Sanders supporters
The Black Pill vs the White Pill and signs of optimism for the future

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Check out Robert Stark’s Paintings!


Robert Stark interviews Richard Spencer about Political Violence & Indentitarianism

Richard Spencer

Topics include:

Dylann Roof and Political Violence
The End of the Culture War
Identitarianism—A Conversation Starter

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Artwork