Category Archives: censorship

Robert Stark interviews Reactionary Tree














Robert Stark and Co-host Pilleater talk to Reactionary Tree.


Reactionary Tree’s political background in the Ron Paul movement and Tea Party and how he got involved with the Alt-Right
Why he uses Reactionary in his moniker
Reactionaries as wanting to return to the past as opposed to creating visions for the future and whether he will change his moniker to Futurist Tree
Archeofuturism; the need for a futurist aesthetic that channels the romantic heroic visions of the past
Synthwave Artist Xurious and how his music is the essence of archeo-futurism
The Left Wing of the Alt-Right and how becoming an identitarian pushed his views to the left on economics and the environment
Identitarianism; Ethno vs. Civic Nationalism
The Left Justifies Political Violence and the concept of Anarcho-Tyranny
The shutdown of the Alt-Right Reddit and Reactionary Tree’s banning from Twitter
Corporate Censorship and whether social media should be nationalized to protect free speech
Rejecting free market orthodoxy
Income inequality and the destruction of the middle class
The necessity of an alliance between the Alt-Right, Alt-Lite Civic Nationalist, and non-SJW Bernie Sanders supporters
The Black Pill vs the White Pill and signs of optimism for the future

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Robert Stark talks to Pilleater about Kaze to Ki no Uta, Avant Garde Art, & Philosophy












Robert Stark and Pilleater talk about the manga and anime, Kaze to Ki no Uta (The Poem of the Wind and the Trees) and themes of sexuality compared to other works of experimental art.


Pilleater’s The Poem of The Wind and Trees Documentary
The setting of Kaze to Ki no Uta at a boarding school in Provence, France in the late 19th century
The aesthetic of the film, the Art Nouveau influence, and the Japanese interpretation of the 19th Century European Aesthetic
The art of Mineo Maya, and Patalliro’s “queer” Asian Aryan Aesthetic in contrast with Kaze to Ki nu Uta’s artistocratic one
Sexuality in Anime, the Yaoi and Shōnen-ai genres of manga, it’s controversial themes of crossdressing, homosexuality, and youth, and the large female fan base of the genre
Youth and Sexuality, capturing innocence in art, and adults longing for eternal youth
Japanese vs. Western attitudes toward sexuality and art
Other controversial yaoi’s, Okane Ga Nai (No Money) and Henshin Dekinai
Fascist themes in Manga
Japanese erotic art, Hajime Sorayama‘s robot erotica, Namio Harukawa‘s dominatrix, and controversial photographer Garo Aida
The Debate about what is Art and what is Erotica, degenerate art vs. ethically pleasing innocent art, photographer David Hamilton
Yukio Mishima’s Madame de Sade and Confessions of a Mask
The Amazing Panda Adventure, an Asian Aryan Love Story
Lasse Nielsen’s films You Are Not Alone, and Could We Maybe, as a European version of the Yaoi genre
Peter Sotos’ Selfish, Little, and photographer Will McBride
Why the 70’s and 80’s were a unique era in producing Avant Garde Art
The Left Wing of the Alt-Right
The Männerbund
Art and Aesthetics as a way to create a vision for a utopian society
Aristocratic Individualism, and how being a product of post modernism can allow one the freedom to start over from scratch, and come up with ones own utopian vision
How institutions such schools, corporations, and the media manipulate psychosocial values, and the pressure to conform to “normie” values

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Robert Stark chatters with actor Nicholas Vince

















Portrait of Nicholas Vince (photo by Adam Turner) montage by Andrew Tong

Robert Stark, co-host Pilleater, and J.G. Michael talk to Nicholas Vince. Nicholas Vince played The Chatterer Cenobite in Clive Barker’s Hellraiser & Hellbound: Hellraiser II) and Kinski in Barker’s Nightbreed. He is Patron of the London Horror Festival 2016 and was awarded the London Horror Society Award at the Unrestricted View Horror Festival 2016 for Outstanding Contribution to UK Independent Horror. He wrote and directed The  The Night Whispered, and wrote What Monsters Do and Other People’s Darkness.He hosts the popular YouTube show Chattering With Nicholas Vince where he interviews independent film makers, writers and artists


Intro Song: Opening to the Night Whispered by Patrick E. Fagan
How Nicholas Vince met Clive Barker, his role as Chatterer
The 30th anniversary of Hellraiser
The film set of Hellraiser, The Chatterer costume, the dreaded fish-hook scene
Roger Corman’s New World Pictures, Horror movies, the budget of Hellraiser
The The Hellbound Heart by Clive Barker
The villains of Hellraiser, Hellraiser as a love story, Whether the cenobites are evil or “just doing their jobs”
Piercing Fans International Quarterly, John Norman and Gor, Terry Pratchett
The effectiveness of psychological torture in horror
The Wire Twins in Hellraiser: Inferno, which Robert Stark found the most disturbing
Hostel, Human Centipede, the creativity of horror films compared to “gore porn”
Nightbreed, the monsters as good guys, and Hellbound,
What Monsters Do, Vince Nicholas Vince as a comic writer, Fear magazine
Neil Gaiman, John Bolton, Sam Keith, Simon Bisley, Brendan McCarthy, Peter Milligan, Brett Ewins
Whether the cenobites will make a cameo in Robert Stark’s upcoming novel, “Bad artist imitate, Great artist steal!”
The therapeutic power of writing
Illustrator John Bolton, who Nicholas Vince has worked with, and Robert Stark’s paintings of Vintage Piccadilly CircusRaymond Revuebar and Madame Jojo’s in London’s Soho where Nicholas Vince used to work
The English science-fiction and comic scene, 2000AD, Brian Aldiss
Tales of the Crypt: The Vault of Horror comic series
Horror short stories, M.R. James
Tank Girl
The impact of WWI and II on Europe, and the influence of war on the arts
Jen Soska and Sylvia Soska
Video Nasties: Moral Panic, Censorship & Videotape, and Clive Barker on Open to Question in 1987, where he addressed moral concerns over Hellraiser

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Robert Stark interviews Anatoly Karlin about his American Decade, Futurism, & Political Trends










Robert Stark and co-host Pilleater talk to Anatoly Karlin. He blogs at The Unz Review

Topics include:

Anatoly’s article at the Unz Review about his American Decade
Why Anatoly is leaving the United States and going back to Russia
How the United States is becoming more like Europe
T.R. Reid’s book The United States of Europe, where he argued that the EU was emerging as a superpower rivaling the US, but has latter been disproved
How during the Bush era Americans perceived Europeans as “Cheese Eating Surrender Moneys,” but latter Sarkozy became the architect of the war in Libya, and arming Syrian rebels
Another element of America’s Europeanization is the decline in social conservatism, the surge in support for gay marriage, and drug legalization
Anatoly’s political views, which are fairly socially liberal(except for rejecting political correctness, and radical feminism),  economically centrist, and closest to Rabbit’s AltLeft
U.S. Millennials More Likely to Support Censoring Offensive Speech, especially among university students who are the future elites
The decline in American fertility rates toward European levels
How American politics now resembles Europe in the sense that there are five distinct blocs: Clinton democrats, Sanders socialists, Rubio/Bush etablishment conservatives, Cruz Bible-bashers, and Trump nationalists.
Anatoly’s pre election prediction article US Elections 2016: Let’s MAGA, Not War, and Trump’s support in the rust belt
Trump’s economic policies as a hybrid of supply side economics, and economic nationalism, and the similarities to Putin’s economic policies in Russia
The GINI index of income inequality
The pros and cons of economic automation, and the basic income
Transhumanism, Zoltan Istvan, and his book The Transhumanist Wager
The Bay Area where Anatoly spent most of his time in the US, and how it’s pretty much ideal, but also the most expensive macro-region of the US
California is also home to Ron Unz, Steve Sailer, as well as the “Alt Left” movement(the tiny group of thinkers combining leftist economics with HBD, sane views on gender relations, and a penchant for futurism )
The futurist scene in the Bay Area including Scott Jackisch’s Bay Area Futurists meetup, Health Extensions Salons, Mike Johnson’s Qualia Research Institute, Effective Altruism, and the “techno” faction of NRx
Mass Transit, Bay Area Rapid Transit, how older cities tend to have more integrated transit systems, and why conservatives oppose mass transit
Global Warming, Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius who discovered climate change, debunking climate change deniers, and whether it will benefit arctic regions such as Russia
Observations on other American cities including Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Washington DC, and Pittsburgh
Anatoly’s experience ridding across the nation on Amtrak
Architecture: Skyscrapers, Brutalism, architect John Portman’s 70’s Neofuturism, and Rabbit’s ideal city based on the film Logan’s run
America’s great wilderness and National Park System

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Robert Stark interviews Alt-Left Youtuber Prince of Queens about SJW’s & the Regressive Left









Robert Stark, co-host Pilleater, and Bay Area Guy talk to alt-left YouTuber Prince of Queens.

Topics includes:

Quiplash and Google hangouts
Joshua David McKenney was a college roommate of Prince of Queens in college
Professor Jordan Peterson and “Authoritative” psychological traits
The Queer community and fourth-way intersectional feminism.
The Regressive Left
SJW’s hate cisgenger white male homosexuals
“Homosexual men trying to rape women”
How the left fell after the 2nd Obama term
Intersectional feminism as a form of trickery
Black Lives Matter
The arrogance of Feminism about the Hillary campaign
Bernie Sanders and Bay Area Guy’s endorsement
The “progressive stack” and how SJW’s destroyed Occupy Wall Street
The cult of Race Theory
San Francisco & Stuff White People Like
Asians and SJWs
Whites and Asians on the same side for “privilege?”

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Robert Stark and Pilleater talk about the Film Salò







Robert Stark and Pilleater talk about the film Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom, directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini

Topics include:

The film was based on the book 120 Days of Sodom, written in 1785 by the Marquis de Sade, and was even more extreme than the film
De Sade’s nihilistic anarchic philosophy towards sex, in contrast with today’s society, which has replaced traditional morality with new moral codes rather than De Sade’s libertinism
How each generation tries to shock their elders, and how de Sade,’s work is shocking even by today’s standards
The book Sade by Jonathan Bowden
Kerry Bolton’s book The Psychotic Left
Ian Brady’s The Gates of Janus: Serial Killing and Its Analysis
Censorship, Sade’s imprisonment for his writings, and the banning of the film in Australia
Author Peter Sotos, who has been compared to de Sade, and also prosecuted for obscenities
Photographer Will McBride, who Sotos has written about, the censorship of his Sex Ed book Show Me!, his art book Coming of Age, and Lasse Nielsen’s films
The theme of adolescent sexuality, innocence, and the desecration innocence
Avant Garde filmmakers Harmony KorineLarry ClarkKenneth Anger, and Nagisa Oshima
Larry Clark’s film Kids
Brooke Shields in the film Pretty Baby
The portrayal and theme of Fascism in the film, and the line “the fascist are the true anarchist.”
Pasolini’s political and cultural views, and his Catholic Paganism
Pasolini’s homosexuality, his love affair with teenage Ninetto Davoli, who was in Salò, and depictions of homo eroticism in the film
Race play in sex, the Nazi S&M Film The Night Porter, and sado-masochist themes in films dealing with political and racial taboos
The film Hard Candy, which is Salò in reverse, but fits within the politically correct narrative
The dominant submissive paradigm in human sexuality
Eli Roth’s torture porn Hostel series
How we have become detached from violence and death in real life, and seek it out in film
The theme of sex as power
The other worldly transcendental aspect to sex

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Robert Stark interviews Alt Left Blogger Ryan Englund










Robert Stark, Alex von Goldstein, Rabbit and Alt Left founder Robert Lindsay, talk to Ryan Englund. Ryan is from Alberta Canada, blogs at Samizdat Chronicles, runs the  Samizdat Broadcasts YouTube Channel, and has an Alternative Left Facebook group

Topics include:

Ryan’s political journey, and his early experiences with censorship from both the right and left
The political situation in Canada
How Ryan’s interest has always been in labor and economic issues rather than identity politics
Ryan discovered the Alt-Left through Rabbit’s Alt Left Manifesto and Robert Lindsay‘s blog
Ryan’s manifesto The Alternative Left – What it is
Sub Types on the Alternative Left
The Left Wing of the Alt Right, who are most open to race realism, and opposed to mass immigration, but are also inclined towards some kind of economic socialism or social democracy
The Red Enlightenment which includes Transhumanist, Fututirst, and an outlook based on science and reason
The brocialistRyan’s article on on Warren Farrell‘s book The Myth of Male Power, and how it relates to Marxist theory
The Gammergate left including The Amazing Atheist and Sargon of Akkad
The new Alt Left entriest who are trying to impose political correctness and purge some of the original members
Life of Brian – The People’s Front of Judea
The Regressive Left and how SJWs are the new fascists
The effects of mass immigration on workers, and how the labor movement was historically for immigration restriction
How Corporations have no loyalty to their nations
Ryan points out a Quote from the Communist Manifesto

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Robert Stark interviews Jim Goad











Robert Stark, Rabbit, and Alex von Goldstein talk to JIM GOAD

Topics include:

Jim’s upcoming book “The New Church Ladies” 
Jim’s early exposure to politically correct censorship, including his magazine ANSWER Me!’s obscenity case, and his purging from Vice
The corporate collusion with political correctness, and Jim’s observation that Vice became more liberal as it became more corporate
How political correctness functions as a hyper moralistic religious structure
The corruption and tabloid nature of modern journalism
Jim ponders the questions “Am I A Racist? Depends On What You Mean By “Racist”
Why Jim rejects moralistic arguments
The Nietzschean concept of slave morality
Jim’s article Mr. Trump’s Economic Nationalism
Jim’s book The Redneck Manifesto
Jim’s appearance on Bill Maher’s Politically Incorrect
Jim’s zine magazine ANSWER Me!
Answer ME!”s Suicide Issue, an interview with Jack Kevorkian, Kurt Cobain’s reading of the series before his suicide, a story of a girl who corresponded with Jim, and how the media shamelessly exploited her suicide
Answer ME!’s Rape issue, including interviews with serial killer Richard Ramirez, and prison rape survivor Donnie the Punk
Jim’s interview with pornographer Al Goldstein, and Al Goldstein’s interview with David Allan Coe

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Robert Stark interviews Ray Sawhill about Journalism

Ray Sawhill











Robert Stark and co-host Alex von Goldestein talk to Ray Sawhill. Ray is a retired journalist who lives in Santa Barbara, CA. He blogs at Uncouth Reflections as Paleo Retiree

Topics include:

Ray’s career as an Arts, Culture, and Film journalist at Newsweek
How Ray stumbled into journalism, and how that was not his original passion in life
How artist and writers often get into journalism to make a living
The era of the journalist as the gatekeeper
Censorship in journalism
How the internet is changing journalism
The effects of the internet on cultural innovation
How the internet both enables creative types and non conformist to get their views across, while enforcing conformity for the rest
The impacts of the internet and social media on millennials
The internet and the concept of infinite knowledge
Ray started online blogging at 2Blowhards, because he wanted a platform for people with interesting cultural views who did not embrace the political correctness of the culture scene
Arts & Letters Daily
Ray writings for, how he interviewed Roger Scruton, and Thomas Sowell, and how Salon was much more open minded back than
The concept of good taste, and Ray’s observation that the wealthy and cultural elite form their taste in consensus
Ray’s point about people who travel is that they don’t come home and say why doesn’t their home town resemble the places they visit
Ray’s involvement the Punk Rock scene in New York in the 70’s and 80’s
How the Avant Garde was a product of technological limitations
The yippie movement in the 60’s as a precursor to the Alt Right troll culture
How the left counter-culture got absorbed into the establishment and the Alt Right is the new counter-culture
How the culture has stagnated and people are looking to the past for inspiration
Ray and his wife Polly Frost co-produced a webseries THE FOLD
Sam Hyde’s new World Peace show on Adult Swim
How the 1970’s are considered to be the peak of American Cinema
Films including, Taxi DriverDirty Harry, and Falling Down
How art should transcend politics

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Robert Stark interviews Richard Wolstencroft

Richard Wolstencroft












Robert stark and co-host Alex von Goldstein interview Richard Wolstencroft. Richard is a filmmaker, writer, events promoter, and founder and festival Director of the Melbourne Underground Film Festival. Check out his articles at Alternative Right

Topics include:

Richard’s film Pearls Before Swine(Watch here)
The actor and musician Boyd Rice who stars in Pearls Before Swine
The theme of fascism, power, and sadomasochism in the film
Influences on the film include A Clockwork OrangeAmerican Psycho, and Salò, which also deals with the themes of fascism and sadomasochism, and was temporarily banned in Australia
Richard’s horror film Bloodlust
Censorship and Film in Australia
The BDSM Hellfire Club which Richard owned
The psychology and philosophy of sadomasochism, and how it relates to politics(Master–slave dialectic)
Social Darwinism
How culture is a more effective way to be subversive than through politics
Richards Theory of Transcendental Fascism
Richard’s political views, and his interest in the Alternative Right and Nationalism
Richard’s point that the left and right should unite against the globalist 1%(ex. the left should agree to be more anti-immigration, and the right more socialist)
The theory that psychopaths evolve through evolution to deal with overpopulation
The film HIGH-RISE based on the book by British writer J.G. Ballard
Aesthetics in Film
Richard’s new film The Second Coming
Richard’s porn documentary THE LAST DAYS OF JOE BLOW

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