Category Archives: censorship

Robert Stark interviews Tila Tequila

Tila Tequilla










Robert Stark and co-host Alex von Goldstein talk to Tila Tequila

Topics include:

How Tila was the first person to catapult social media into what it is today
How Tila became disillusioned with the degeneracy and emptiness of Hollywood
Tila’s response to people who say she is a hypocrite for speaking out against degeneracy
Blackmail, character assassinations, and censorship in Hollywood
Drug Addiction
Meditation and Spirituality
Conspiracy Theories & The Green Pill
How Tila was the first celebrity to openly endorse Donald Trump
The Japanese Vaporwave Donald Trump Commercial
How Tila’s views have evolved and her interest in the Alt-Right
How Tila’s original fans have reacted to her views and her new fans on the Alt-Right
How becoming a mother has changed her outlook on life
How Tila’s Normie friends have reacted to her views
Trolling and Meme Culture
Tila’s upcoming appearance at the National Policy Institute in D.C

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Robert Stark interviews Mark Velard

Pepe John Carter










Robert Stark and co-host Rabbit talk to Cartoonist Mark Velard. He publishes his work at Refractor Industries

Topics include:

How he got into drawing comics
His influences, including Daniel ClowesRobert CrumbJack Kirby, and Jim Woodring
The 60s-80s influence in his comics
Why he prefers to work in Pen & Ink instead of digital graphics
Edgar Rice Burroughs’ John Carter of Mars and Mark’s parody “Pepe John Carter”
His short stories, including his recent one Cliff Wretched’s Escape, and the themes that drive them
How his stories tend to be tales of journeys and heroism
His upcoming graphic novel “Clowns of the Apocalypse,” about evil clowns who invade society and want to be seen as equals
His stand up comedy
His fascination with Space Travel and Escapism
John Carpenter’s Film In the Mouth of Madness
How he ended up associating with the AltRight
How his politics influences his work
His experiences with political correctness at Comic Cons
Whether his political views have interfered with his art career

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Robert Stark interviews Peter Brimelow

Peter Brimelow











Robert Stark and co-host Alex von Goldstein talk to VDARE editor Peter Brimelow. Prior to creating VDARE, Peter was also a writer and editor at Forbes, the Financial Post, and National Review

Topics include:

Peter’s background in financial journalism
Peter’s experience with the conservative movement
How Peter and other writers such as John Derbyshire were purged from National Review
The history of VDARE
Peter’s 1996 book Alien Nation
The economic and cultural factors behind mass immigration
The Immigration act of 1965 and how it discriminates against Europeans
How Mass immigration is a redistribution of wealth from the working and middle classes to the immigrants themselves and the economic elite
How the key issue with immigration is the numbers
A Progressive case against mass immigration
The European Migrant Crisis
How Brexit sparked a political realignment, and whether Donald Trump can do the same
How if elected, Donald Trump can make a major impact through executive orders and enforcing existing immigration laws
Defining conservatism and whether the label has become obsolete

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Robert Stark interviews Professor Darrell Hamamoto

Darrell Hamamoto








Robert Stark and Co-host Alex von Goldstein talk to Darrell Hamamoto, Professor of Asian American Studies at the University of California, Davis.

Topics include:

How Professor Hamamoto started out in Ethnic Studies and later became disillusioned with it
How Asian Studies, other Ethnic Studies, as well as Women’s Studies are backed by corporate and financial interest
His experiences with censorship at UC Davis
The elite’s support for mass immigration, starting with the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965  to the H-1B visa program
His book Servitors of Empire: Studies in the Dark Side of Asian America
His pornographic film Skin on Skin, which starred all Asian American actors, which addressed the exclusion of Asian American males from Porn
Hollywood’s portrayal of Asians and his book Countervisions: Asian American Film Criticism
The importance of creating independent media
Yukio Mishima, his life, and legacy, and his opposition to the Americanization of Japan
Whether Asian Americans will become an elite in America or serve as a buffer between the White Elite and White Middle Class
The relationship between Japanese Americans and post 1965 Asian immigration
The 1960’s Counter-Culture
His upcoming panel at UC Berkeley on Asians and Film

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Robert Stark interviews Keith Preston about The Tyranny of the Politically Correct

Tyranny of Political Correctness















Robert Stark and co-host Alex von Goldstein interview Keith Preston about his new book The Tyranny of the Politically Correct – Totalitarianism in the Postmodern Age(Black House Publishing)

Topics include:

The origins and history of political correctness
Keith’s first exposure to political correctness when he was active on the far left
How influences behind political correctness include the Frankfurt School, the Privilege Theory, Maoism, and Progressive Christianity
How political correctness started out on the fringes, infiltrated key institutions, and become the dominant ideology of the establishment
How every state and ruling class has an ideology to justify it’s power
How political correctness relies upon dehumanizing it’s opponents
How political correctness uses the Police State to enforce it’s agenda
How the liberal establishment has abandoned traditional progressive causes such as civil liberties, non-interventionism, workers rights, and the environment, and how that leaves an opening for opposition movements to take op those causes
How police brutality is a major problem but the left selectively chooses cases that push their agenda

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Robert Stark interviews Giovanni Dannato










Robert Stark and co-host Alex von Goldstein talk to Giovanni Dannato. He blogs at Colony of Commodus and is the author of A Kingdom For the Introvert.

Topics include:

Why he describes himself as a Neo-Progressive
How he shares many views with those who call themselves Neo-Reactionaries, but  does not consider himself one of them
Caste systems in modern societies
A Fair and Just Caste System
Sorting Out the Castes: Easy Disqualifiers
The problem Marxism and Capitalism have in common.
The importance of controlling who controls wealth
Market Demand Must Be Regulated
What Money Rewards, We Get More Of
The Middle Class: Caught In Between
The Deep divides in American culture
How Trump and Sanders Are Part of the Same Political Movement
How dissident and populist movements are no longer prole movements, and are attracting many dissafected SWPL’s
The Need For Grandeur
The effects of aesthetic uniformity on the human spirit in architecture and urban planning
Overpopulation Altruism Is Misguided

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Robert Stark interviews Rabbit about Robert Heinlein








Science Fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein was an influential and controversial author of the genre in his time. Robert Stark and Rabbit discuss his work as well as his philosophical and political views.

Topics include:

How Heinlein is difficult to pigeon hole ideologically, having been associated with leftism, libertarianim, and fascism
How one can interpret his with their own ideology(ex.libertarians: The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, Hippies: Stranger in a Strange Land)
Rabbit’s view that Expanded Universe best demonstrates Heinlein’s outlook
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, which is about a lunar prison colony revolt
Counter-Currents article Heinlein for Right-Wingers
Heinlein’s Farnham’s Freehold about whites  being enslaved by blacks in the future and how the book has been interpreted as being both racist and anti-racist
Heinlein’s “contradictory” views on race
How Heinlein was an advocate of sexual liberation
Sex in Heinlein’s work and how he explored sexual taboos such as incest
Heinlein’s rejection of liberal democracy, and his belief that people must prove they are vested in society in order to participate in democracy
Heinlein’s economic views and advocacy of Social Credit
Heinlein’s  support for space exploration and belief in an infinite Universe
Heinlein’s Red Planet about a colony on Mars
Heinlein’s experiences with censorship
The vision of the future in Mid Century Science Fiction versus that of today
Mid Century Space Age aesthetics
Trad Youth’s critique of Rabbit’s Alt Left
Greg Johnson’s West Coast White Nationalism and how it is similar to the Alt Left
How Rabbit was part of the early hipster scene and how he saw it’s decline into trashy pop culture

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Robert Stark interviews Ray Sawhill

Ray Sawhill








Ray Sawhill worked as an arts and culture reporter for Newsweek. He has also written for and blogs at Uncouth Reflections as Paleo Retiree. He splits his time between New York and Santa Barbara.

Topics include:

How Robert and Ray both have personal connections to Santa Barbara and how the city is almost too idyllic
Crime Fiction Novelist Ross Macdonald who’s work captures Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara as a place with strict zoning laws that was modeled after Andalusia in Spain
The contrast between life in Santa Barbara and New York City
How New York City has changed in Ray’s time there in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s
How Cuisine is the one area that has seen increased innovation in New York
Ray’s cameo in the film Exposed set in New York in 1983 staring Nastassja Kinski
How films such as Exposed and Taxi Driver are documentaries for New York in that era
The new peculiarly shaped skyscrapers going up in New York today
“See through buildings” where wealthy Foreigners are buying up real estate in New York and leaving them empty
How Ray is drawn to architecture because it is art you can experience and changes the world in a way that regular art doesn’t
How most of the general public has little input and interest in architecture
How places without zoning laws tend to lack any aesthetic value
How the main rule in urbanism is not to do anything that harms the city
Art Deco and how it succeeds in bringing tradition and modernity into one
Architectual Revivalism which seeks to recreate older forms of architecture
Robert Stark’s Artwork
Ray’s work at Newsweek as a reporters covering art, culture, literature, film, and theatre
How Ray’s most significant interviews were with Writers Philip, Roth, and John Updike, filmmakers Francis Coppola, and Robert Altman and Architect Christopher Alexander
How conservatives tend to avoid culture and leave that domain to the left
English Philosopher Roger Scruton as a model for a cultured conservative
Front Porch Anarchist Bill Kauffman
New Urbanism
The The Retro Cocktail and Locavore movements
James Howard Kunstler
Ray’s involvement with Environmentalism and Bioregional Anarchism
How the environmental movement abandoned the overpopulation issue due to political correctness and mass immigration
The Alternative Right
How the real political divide is between globalism and decentralization
Cultural trends and how Ray views himself as a cultural radar
The trend towards a focus on muscles for young men and men are more self-conscious about their bodies
The value of pleasure and leisure
Erotica and the debate about what’s art and what’s pornography
Controversial nude photographer Jock Sturges, who Ray interviewed
How society is a taking contradictory paths towards lewdness and prudishness
Students Still Sweat, They Just Don’t Shower
How having taste and style has become equated with homosexuality
Young women moving to New York City because of Sex and the City
“Sex Scenes” which is a raunchy, satirical audio entertainment that Ray created with his wife playwright Polly Frost. Check it out.

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Artwork

Robert Stark interviews Sean Gabb













Sean Gabb is the director of the Libertarian Alliance in the UK

Topics include:

The objectives of the Libertarian Alliance
The divide between establishment libertarians and traditionalist leaning libertarians
How there were originally laws against the publication of pornography under the Obscene Publications Act but there were no laws about possession or the viewing of it on websites like porn 7 which is still completely legal.
How today the publication of pornography has become widespread but there are strict laws about possession such as the Extreme Pornography Act
How laws dealing with possession give enormous power to the police state
Hate speech laws in the UK
The case of Joshua Bonehill-Paine who planned an anti-Jewish rally and was sentenced to three years in prison
How the BNP membership was leaked and how many of it’s members who were government employees were sacked
Sean Gabb – Enoch Powell. The Man and His Politics
How the Labor Party imported a new electorate
How a balkanized country makes it more difficult to cooperate against the state
Whether only Europeans can create free societies
The Basic Income
The debate about whether wealth used to corrupt politics and generated by crony capitalism should be confiscated
Cultural Revolution, Culture War: How Conservatives Lost Lost England and How to Get It Back
Double Jeopardy laws in the UK and how they were dumped after the Murder of Stephen Lawrence
Police Brutality in the UK
The Legacy of Margaret Thatcher
His historical fiction written under the pen name Richard Blake and his most recent book Game of Empires
His interest in the Byzantine Empire which is the setting of many of his novels
How the Byzantine Empire was a much more free and humane society than the Roman Empire

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Robert Stark interviews Daniel Friberg

Daniel Friberg The Real Right Returns

Daniel Friberg, MBA, is CEO of the Swedish mining corporation Wiking Mineral and was a founding member of the Swedish metapolitical think tank, Motpol. He has a long history in the Swedish opposition, and was one of the founders of Arktos. His new book is The Real Right Returns (Hardback) – Arktos

Topics include:

The decline in the Swedish education system
The immigration situation in Sweden and Europe
How US and NATO foreign policy destabilized the Middle East
How American influence threatens European independence
How the establishment is loosing it’s intellectual legitimacy
The importance of metapolitics
Defining the right and left
The left’s cultural war of conquest
The outsourcing of manufacturing
How wealth is being distributed from the middle class to the financial elites and foreign proletariat
The book’s chapter on gender
Political Correctness and Censorship in Sweden

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Artwork