Category Archives: Middle East

Robert Stark interviews Colin Liddell about Japan & the European Migrant Crisis

Refugees Train

Topics include:

Collin’s life in Japan and his observations on Japanese culture and society
How petty rivalries in Europe make it difficult to solve the crisis
How the Gulf States which are largely responsible for the Syrian crisis refuse to take in refugees
Saudi Arabia’s offer to build 200 mosques in Germany for migrants
How most migrants are young men and many are economic migrants rather than genuine refugees
How the migrant crisis is sparking a nationalist backlash

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Robert Stark interviews Keith Preston about the Iran Deal, Russia’s role in the Mideast, & the US Elections

Keith Preston on Press TV

Topics include:

The Iran Deal and the myths about it
Why the US Establishment is divided over the Iran Deal
US Jews shifting their views on Israel and Iran
Why the Neoconservatives oppose an independent Iran that has emerged as the leader of the Resistance Bloc
How the US has supported Islamic Fundamentalist against Secular Regimes in The Middle East
Why the US is concerned over and wants to prevent Russia from having influence in Mideast
The Refugee Crisis in Europe and how it’s largely a product of Western Intervention in the Middle East
Why the Gulf states are not letting Syrians Refugees in and how they bare much of the guilt over the crisis in Syria
Sanders v. Klein on immigration: The old Left against the adolescent Left
Bernie Sanders and his enemies to the left
How the Plutocracy and Democratic Establishment co-opted the Cultural Left
Trump’s Incoherent Foreign Policy
How Donald Trump is similar to Ross Perot in the sense that their wealth enables them to be outspoken and are favor of Economic Nationalism over Supply Side Economics
How ironically a Trump versus Sanders race could lead to an even more polarized America, because those candidates represent positions closer to those of their supporters as opposed to special interest

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Robert Stark interviews Manuel Ochsenreiter about the War of the Idiot












Robert Stark interviews journalist Manuel Ochsenreiter

Topics include:

The Islamic State’s siege of the Ancient City of Palmyra and the Media’s phony outrage about it
How The Islamic State serves the purpose of a Geopolitical Bulldozer
How the Western Elites are largely responsible for creating the crisis in Syria
Whether The Islamic State could pose a threat to Israel and the Arab Gulf States
The role of Hezbollah and Iran in the conflict
The Saudi Airstrikes against the Shiite minority in Yemen
How the powers supporting the artificial entity destroy the history of the natural entity and the historical parrallels in Kosovo and the  Nagorno-Karabakh War between Armenia and Azerbaijan
The Geopolitical role that Turkey plays in Syria, Azerbaijan, and Kosovo
How Western Liberalism destroys collective identities
The concept of the “Idiotes” from Ancient Greece as an Atomized individual who does not take part in public life

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Artwork

Robert Stark interviews Matt Forney about Tag the Sponsor












Topics include:

Matt’s article Tag The Sponsor Exposes The Depravity Of Modern Women about Instagram models who whore themselves out to Arab oil Sheiks in Dubai
The Depravity of Dubai and other Oil Rich Arab Gulf States
Do these women become irreparably damaged??
How Societies Sexual mores have declined
Matt’s article on Cassandra Lynn’s Death Shows Why You Should Never Wife Up Broken Girls
Matt’s review of Jared Taylor’s FACE TO FACE WITH RACE
Matt’s article The Triumph of Hope Over Experience about Mayor Bill De Blasio and New York City
How New York City’s Gentrification killed it’s created energy and how it’s symbolic of today’s decline in creativity


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Robert Stark interviews Eugene Montsalvat










Eugène’s Montsalvat blogs at the Niekisch Translation Project and his articles can be viewed at Counter-Currents

Topics include:

Turn Left, New Right!

Nationalism & Class Struggle

The Necessity of Anti-Colonialism

Ernst Niekisch and National Bolshevism

Robert Stark interviews Dota about the Paris Terrorist Attack













Dota  is a Canadian Paleo-Conservative of Indian origin. He blogs at

Topics include:

The Importance Of Being Tolerable: Thoughts On The Shooting in France and Multicultural Stupidity

Muslims, Muslim Immigration, and why it’s a mistake to make Islam the main issue

When immigrants are wiser than natives

Dota’s recent trip to Mumbai, India and how the nation has changed

Dota’s article on Return of Kings

Why feminism fails in the third world

Portrait of the alpha male

Feminism’s corporate benefactors


Robert Stark interviews Paul Gottfried on Dugin & Neoconservatives
















Paul Gottfried recently retired as Professor of Humanities at Elizabethtown College, PA. He is the author of After Liberalism, Multiculturalism and the Politics of Guilt and The Strange Death of Marxism His most recent book is Leo Strauss and the Conservative Movement in America.

Topics include:

Alexander Dugin and Martin Heidegger
The definition of Liberalism
The Eurasian school of thought
National Review’s Hit Piece on Dugin
How Neoconservatives attack their enemies such as Dugin as Fascist or Nazis
How Neoconservatives are a faction of the left
The Neoconservative View towards Russia
The Cold War and whether it was a mistake
The conflict with Russia in the Ukraine
Why Paleoconservatives tend to dislike Israel
Paul Gottfried’s upcoming book Fascism: The Career of a Concept


Robert Stark interviews Tom Sunic about Islam in Europe












Robert Stark and Charles Lincoln talk to Tom Sunic about his upcoming speeches in Southern California on the Islamization of Europe. Tom Sunic, Ph.D. is an Author, Translator, former US Professor, and former Cultural Counselor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Croatia. Dr. Sunic’ title: “1400 Years of Islamic Imperialism: Real or Surreal Menaces to Europe from the Mediaeval Caliphates, to the Ottomans at the Gates of Vienna, to the New Islamic Terror and “Voluntary” Invasion-Repopulation of Europe.”

Topics include:

Tom Sunic’s scheduled speeches in Southern California
The History of Islamic Imperialism in Europe
The Ottoman Empire in the Balkans
Why Islam should not be used as a synonym for immigration or race
Muslim demographics in Europe
Speech Code Laws in Europe
The concept of the Caliphate
How European Nationalist have different perspectives on the Islamic issue
Why the political and capital elites are to blame for the situation in Europe
Charles Lincoln’s hosted panel at the JEM Community Center in Beverly Hills, including Tom Sunic, Charles Lincoln, Robert Stark, and Luke Ford

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Robert Stark interviews John Robb on Open Source Warfare












Topics include:

John Robb’s book Brave New War: The Next Stage of Terrorism and the End of Globalization

The Four Generations of Warfare theory

How open source warfare became predominant when nuclear weapons deterred conflicts between major nations

How decentralization is the asset of non state actors such as ISIS

Why John does not view ISIS as a proxy for nations such as Saudi Arabia

How ISIS got it’s start during the Syrian conflict

His prediction that we will never win in Iraq

Hamas and Hezbollah

How an open source movement is not an  organized organization


Why it’s inevitable that Open Source Warfare will spread will spread to the West due to economic stagnation

How an economy based on financial institutions is unsustainable

How a managerial economy is a zero sum game

Why education and healthcare costs have gone up is because of an increase in loans

How the FDA shut down 23andme which does genetic testing and could of revolutionized medicine

The commercial use of drones

Edward Snowden


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Robert Stark interviews Colin Liddell on the Middle East








Colin Liddell is co-editor of the Alternative Right.

Topics include:

The European New Right and the barriers of identity that the American version faces


The Secular Baathist Parties in Iraq and Syria

The current power vacuum in the Middle East left by the demise of the Baath Party

How the Cold War impacted the Middle East

How Israel and the Arab Gulf Monarchies have opposed the Baath Party as well as Shia Iran

Whether ISIS posses a threat to Israel and the Gulf States

Why Colin does not think we should be emotionally invested in the Middle East


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