Category Archives: social status

Robert Stark interviews Sam Vaknin about Narcissism













Robert Stark talks to Sam Vaknin about psychological characteristics of narcissism, narcissism’s role in our society, and common misconceptions about narcissism. Sam Vaknin is an Israeli writer, author of Malignant Self-love: Narcissism Revisited as well as many other books on psychology.


Narcissist’s False Self vs. True Self: Soul-snatching
The narcissistic experience as a character in a movie
Narcissism as a religion
How the Narcissist’s sense of self worth often fluctuates
Narcissistic Supply: Narcissist’s Drug
Narcissist or Psychopath? What Are the Differences?
Unlike the psychopath, narcissists are pro-social and heavily dependent upon others
Narcissism’s impact on intimacy and relationships
The Narcissist and the Sense of Humor
Narcissism’s rise in modern society as an evolutionary competitive advantage
Healthy personality types as societal constructs rather than clinical objective entities
The effectiveness of Treatment for Narcissism
Narcissistic personality disorder

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark and Matthew Pegas talk about the Film Joker










Robert Stark and Matthew Pegas talk about the film Joker (2019 ) and it’s sociological significance to our current zeitgeist of despair.


The social crisis of despair in America
The alienated loner in our society
Theme of humiliation
Oppositions to the film from the Woke Neoliberal Establishment, while Michael Moore Calls ‘Joker’ a Masterpiece
Woke media’s allegations that ‘Joker’ validates White Male rage
Marc Maron on ‘Joker’: Don’t Blame Movies for Criminal Actions of the Mentally Ill
Dark comedic nihilism with no moralistic narrative of good vs. evil
Cult following online among memers and dissident rightests
Director Todd Phillips, his background in lighthearted sex comedies, and how he stopped making comedies due to “Woke Culture”
How the film is as controversial as it can afford to be within Hollywood
Plutocratic mayoral candidate Thomas Wayne who could symbolize a caricature of Trump, but also echoes Hillary Clinton’s Basket of deplorables phrase
Class warfare theme
The Anarchist theme of creating chaos and tearing down society
Symbolism of the clown
Mental health
Comparison’s to Taxi Driver
Aesthetics of the film set in Gotham City, based on gritty New York City in the early 80s

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Scarcity of Positional Goods is the basis for Aesthetic Socialism










Aesthetic Socialism is the concept of viewing politics with aesthetics as one of the basic principles. I discussed the concept at length in my essay Aristocratic Aesthetic Socialism and show with Matthew Pegas and Giovanni Dannato. Aesthetics signifies one’s class and social status and influences and manipulates peoples decisions and economic output. Extreme inequality in aesthetics shapes the core foundations and social mechanisms of a society.

In politics the debate about the distribution wealth is primarily about the distribution of monetary assets and how to make basic needs widely available. Due to mass production and future trends in automation we are now entering a Post Scarcity Economy where many goods and services can be provided to a larger segment of the population.

We have the wealth, resources, and technology to provide basic services such as food and electronics that can be mass produced. In the future healthcare could be provided cheaply due to automation but the goods that are positional will remain increasingly scarce.

Positional Goods according to Lion of the Blogosphere “are goods and services that people value because of their limited supply and they convey a high relative standing within society.” These resources are positional because they are ranked in value to other resources.

Continue reading Scarcity of Positional Goods is the basis for Aesthetic Socialism

Robert Stark talks to Ashley Messinger about Psychological Disorders







Robert Stark talks to ASHLEY MESSINGER about psychological disorders. Ashley is based in the UK and writes for You can also find Ashley on Twitter.


Diseases, Disorders and Illnesses, Oh My
What defines mental illness
Neurodiversity movement
Finding niches for different personality types in society
A World of Trauma – Civilizational Psychosadomasochism and Emptiness
Using targeted designer drugs and artificial intelligence to cure psychological problems
Unrealistic Adaptations
The psychological basis for moral taboos
Anti-Natalism: The Chavs Are Not Listening
The Age of Orangutans
The Theory of Fun

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings, Stark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark interviews Author Shane Eide


















Shane Eide blogs at Emerging Hermit and is the author of Artists Go To Hell: Novellas and Stories


Artists Go To Hell and theme of celebrities becoming symbols of something they are not
Kafkaesque theme of  waking up in a centralized prison/insane asylum where nobody can give you a straight answer about where you are
Shane’s upcoming book Contours of Nothing, a collection of aphorisms on politics, relationships, art, and religion
Shane’s interest in metaphysical ideas
How psychology drives politics
Shane’s Attempt at Self Description
How being politically homeless and not fitting into a slot is bad for marketing
Tracing the Lineage of a Radical Center
Radical Centrist thinker Gore Vidal
The Alt-Center, Starkianism and the Demystification of Social Capital
Emerging Alt-Center concepts such as Smart Socialism, Aristocratic Radicalism, and Neo-Tribalism
Parody book review of Incel by Corey Ruttner

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings, Stark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Rachel Haywire about her Campaign for President





















Robert Stark talks to Rachel Haywire about her campaign for President under the Transhumanist Party. You can register here to vote for her in the Transhumanist primaries. Rachel is a musician, event producer, writer, model, and is currently the CEO of Avant Design, a new agency focused on bringing a unique aesthetic to both tech and media.


Trans-humanist policies: neuro engineering, cybernetic implants, and radical life extension
The wealthy gatekeepers in Trans-humanism
Crypto-currency for specialized healthcare
Funding for MDMA and LSD as therapeutic remedies
The political ideology of beyond the center
Thesis on the restraint of mental freedom
Funding for the transgressive arts and giving artists a greater role in the economy
Rachel’s book The New Art Right
National Futurism and creating nations of the mind
An end to imperialistic global trade policies
An end to credentialism
Greater awareness and support for neuro diversity
The deplatforming of political dissidents and center right gate keepers
A UBI of 2k/per month, funded by taxing Woke Capital and an end to overseas intervention and mass incarceration
Releasing a music track about running for President

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings, Stark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

The Alt-Center, Starkianism and the Demystification of Social Capital










Originally Published by Shane Eide on Emerging Hermit

There’s something to be said for those in whom the sign of the times less offers an omen and more flashes across their periphery like a neon sign at an amusement park.

In 2019, the assumed excesses of prefixing an ‘Alt’ to any political fringe is virtually guaranteed to incite misunderstanding, scrutiny and suspicion. In that sense, the Alt-Center is a shameless affair. However, it isn’t shameless merely because of its ideas – which are eclectic – but rather, because of its ultimately strategic knowledge of where it sits within the dissident sphere.

The impending antiquation of older ways of thinking about politics is not for them an indication that some inevitable new path will soon announce itself, for which they will conveniently be the vanguard. Rather, this antiquation is for them an occasion to consider the possibility of creating something wholly new whose expression may unfold in ways as varied as one could imagine.

Journalist, artist, novelist and host of Stark Truth Radio, Robert Stark, has built something of a salon for Alt-Center ideas on his show, where, as of late, one may hear talk of Starkianism – existing in its own corner of Alt-Centrism. Roughly put, Alt-Centrism is where ideas of the dissident right and dissident left meet, and is itself comprised of concepts such as Aesthetic Socialism, Aristocratic Radicalism and Alt-Urbanism.

Continue reading The Alt-Center, Starkianism and the Demystification of Social Capital

Robert Stark talks to Giovanni Dannato about Neuro-Tribalism














Giovanni Dannato blogs at Colony of Commodus and is the author of APOSTASY and A Kingdom For the Introvert. Follow Giovanni on Twitter.


Formation of neuro-tribes based on personality types
The role of the internet in the formation of neuro-tribes
Tribes that you can self select
Neuro-tribes eventually forming new ethnic groups through assortative mating
Neuro-types impact on political ideology(ex. contrarian vs. conscientious)
Role of social status and how different societies favor certain neuro types
Economic benefit of neo-tribalism in a post scarcity economy with competition over
Over representation of particular neuro types within economic niches
An Alt-Centrist Look At UBI
Multi neuro-tribal society that transcends beyond geographic location
Geographic locations that attract certain neuro types and Maps of the American Nations
How one’s neuro type influences their cultural and aesthetic preferences

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s PaintingsStark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Bay Area Guy about Bullshit Jobs












Robert Stark talks to Bay Area Guy about Bullshit Jobs: A Theory by David Graeber and his Review of Bullshit Jobs published on Alt of Center.


Bay Area Guy’s background in blogging at the defunct Occident Invicta and move to the left economically
David Graeber’s background as a left wing anarchist and involvement with Occupy Wall Street and the anti-globalization protests of the late 90’s
Bullshit Jobs as the culmination of The Managerial Revolution
Neo-feudalistic economy based on extracting wealth and distributing it to underlings who maintain the system
Loyalty to the system more important than productivity or innovation
How the system is held together for political and moral imperatives rather than economic
A leisure economy and subsidies such as a basic income as necessary for innovation
The argument that handouts will make people lazy does not take into account the need for status and feeling useful
The moral imperative that value comes from work
Graeber‘s belief in compensating work that benefits the common good
90’s comedy Office Space as a parody of dehumanizing corporate culture
Despite automation don’t underestimate late capitalism’s ability to create more bullshit jobs
Parallels between conservatives calling the poor entitled and SJWs’ “check your privilege”
Bay Area Guy’s support for Bernie Sanders from the beginning and dissident right’s disappointment with Trump
Kamala Harris’ regressive Neoliberal record of harsh justice for the rabble and impunity for elites

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s PaintingsStark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Francis Nally about “Queer Culture”















Robert Stark and Matthew Pegas talk to Francis Nally about his new book Queer Culture: A Transgressive Tradition. An Introduction for The Normie and The Misguided Artist.


Culture outside the normative values of society
The “Queer Establishment” vs “Dissident Queer”
Issue of posers and pre-packaged “Queer Identities”
The “Queer Resume”
The need for an artistic elite or Aristocratic Radicalism
Why art is more important than politics
Literary and artistic figures including the Beatniks
New political movements forming on aesthetic impulses
Right-wing outsiders who defend the normative values
Capitalism co-opting “Queer Culture”
The benefits of a basic income
The Cult of the Extrovert
Francis’ Lexicon

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s PaintingsStark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island