Category Archives: anti-semitism

Tom Sunic & Luke Ford speak on Islam and the West

On Sunday September 21st Luke Ford and Tom Sunic  spoke on Islam Vs The West

Croatian-American writer Tom Sunic addressed the Beverly Hills Community Sports Center owned by JEM (Jewish Educational Movement) about Islam and the West. Luke Ford weighed in and a lively dialogue ensued on the future of the West, the roles of Muslims and Jews and immigrants and third-world peoples in first world civilizations, multi-culturalism, multi-racialism, religion, paganism and Judaism.

This is a rare conversation with people from different ethnic and ideological backgrounds concerning the many problems facing the west and the rest of the world.

Luke Ford is Back!








Robert Stark interviews returning guest, journalist, and blogger Luke Ford.

Topics include:

Why Luke does not view racism as a legitimate concept
How writing on topics such as race are associated with a low social status
How Luke is unique in the sense that he has ties to both ethno politics as well as entertainment culture
Luke’s interview with comic Rachel Bloom
Luke’s appearance at Tom Sunic’s upcoming speech in Beverly Hills on September 21st
Why not every group is compatible with Western Civilization
Talking About Addiction, Recovery & Race With Comic Yoshi Obayashi
Robin Williams suicide and struggle with addiction
How the root cause of addiction is lack of attachment and insecurity
How Paranoia is also caused by lack of attachment and insecurity
More on the Santa Barbara killer and how open displays of sexuality highlight sexual differences
Luke tells a story from his High School years when he was rejected from a party
More on Luke’s one man play Eroticized Rage
Why men are attracted to teenage girls
Masters Of Sex TV Show
Is It Anti-Semitic To Say Jews Are Good With Money?
Why the word racism now mean criticism
Israeli Ingenuity Applied To Organ Transplants
Why Is Los Angeles Falling Apart?
More on Luke’s search for A Wife and how he was given an ultimatum between a girl and his blog
Why women are much more conformist than men
Jewish Women Are Hot
Men who are attracted to intelligent women
Does Promiscuity Make Women Happy?

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Robert Stark interviews Matt Forney on Millennials












Topics include:

Matt’s Takimag article Twit Planet about the Millennial generation, social media addiction, and sexual dysfunction
Roosh’s new book Poosy Paradise
How  Millennials are the least adventurous generation in recent history due to helicopter parenting and their economic situation
How the Millennial’s asset is that they have no memory of a functional society
How younger Millennials born in the 90’s have no memory of a world without social media
The Fourth Turning Theory on generations
Matt’s thoughts on the riots in Ferguson, Missouri
How the left and the right are equally intellectually bankrupt
The class war between the white Brahmins and white Vaishiyas
Matt’s thought on Living in the Philippines
How the Philippines is a much freer and socially open society than America
Matt’s observations on dating  in the Philippines
Matt’s review of Some Thoughts on Hitler and Other Essays by Irmin Vinson
How politically correct taboos are declining
Andy Nowicki’s video LET’S TALK ABOUT JEWS! about his rejection of obsessive anti-Semitism
Matt’s review of the film Are All Men Pedophiles?
America’s totalitarian laws about sex

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Robert Stark interviews Robert Lindsay on Russia & The Middle East

me-against-the-phone-table-10-00 (1)


Topics Include:

Why Robert stands with Putin
Why much of the Hard Left Is with Putin
Why Robert does not view Putin as an Imperialist
Russia as a bulwark against American Imperialism
Why Russia wants a multipolar world as opposed to America’s unipolar world
How the US is selective in it’s support for separatist movements
Oligarchs and how income inequality has been reduced under Putin
How Robert views Putin as being in between a Russian Nationalist and an Atlantic Integrationist
Some Ridiculous Anti-Russian Arguments
The lie that Russia has no allies in the former East Bloc or in the former USSR
The Jewish view toward Russia
The geographic history of the Ukraine
The Ukrainian Regime’s Nazi Policies
Russia’s alliance with Syria and Iran
The Project for a New American Century
How Robert views America and Israel as one monolithic country
Robert’s assistance to the Israeli organization DEBKA
How Robert’s Beyond Highbrow  leaked the picture of the dead Israeli soldier
The recent Israeli conflict in Gaza and why Robert basically takes a neutral stance
Sunni vs. Shia Islam
How Shia Islam is more moderate but is opposed by Israel
The Lebanese Civil War
The Arab Baathist Party and Saddam Hussein
Why Robert is willing to ally himself with Fascist against American Imperialism
Why the Progressive Project is the assimilation of the Jews from the Ghetto
Patrilineality and the tribal instinct to sleep with women of other groups while safeguarding your own
Roissy’s Stupid PUA Site and how unregulated sexuality mirrors right wing economics


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Robert Stark interviews Luke Ford













Robert Stark interviews Journalist Luke Ford. He blogs at

Topics include:

Working as a columnist for the porn industry
How he see’s himself as a journalist analyzing the porn on sites like rather than promoting it
How individuals in the porn industry lack human and social connections
His Memoir “XXX Communicated: Rebel without a Shul”
Why sexual sin is less important in Orthodox Judaism than in Christianity
Why Jews are over represented in the porn industry
How his moral views about pornography have changed
His conversion to Judaism and latter to Orthodox Judaism
His admiration of Dennis Prager
How Luke’s suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder causes him to look for heroes
His status as a convert in Orthodox Judaism
His recent trip to his home country Australia and how it has changed
How homogeneous countries have higher levels of social trust and social capital
On Luke’s search for an Orthodox wife
His minor celebrity status
How he broke the story of LA Mayor Villaraigosa’s affair
Why he recently came out of the closet as a White Nationalist
Why he believes every group as a right to advocate for their group interest
How his exposure to Orthodox Judaism led to his sympathy to White Nationalism
Why Orthodox Jews tend to have little interest in left wing politics
His interview with Kevin MacDonald and why MacDonald does not view Orthodox Judaism as a threat
Elliot Rodger and how the feeling of emptiness causes people to prove their worthiness
How lacking a sense of belonging and identity causes emptiness
Luke’s one man play “Erotized Rage”
Sex Addiction
The importance of social status
How bloggers often use their online personas to create social status lacking in reality
The Alexander Technique

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Robert Stark interviews Daryl B.










Robert Stark talks to Daryl B. of the Gangster Bolshevik movement.

Topics include:

•Support for your clique and allied cliques instead of the entire “movement,” society, nation, race etc.
•Regionalism. Support for the local area, but not bourgeois nationalism.
•Why Nationalism is different in Europe and America.
•Why Daryl favors European Nationalist over the existing political system.
•Support for a class struggle.
•Not an open advocacy of violence, but a quiet admiration of people who are in jail.
•Gangster Bolsheviks take a termite view towards society.
•Disrespect for authority when you aren’t on the same page as the authority.
•Study of both Fascist and Marxist thinkers. Preference for a Socialist revolution, then after that, a mob like authoritarian rule.
•The capitalist state never “withers away” it is replaced. Lenin was correct on this.
•The socialist state will not “wither away” either. It will simply complete the class struggle and either be reformed or replaced.
•The state is only opposed as a tool of a class oppression. Gangster bolsehvism is not anarchism.
•Why Gangster Bolsheviks tend to admire Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao and Kim Il-Sung but tend to dislike Trotsky.
•The “Work the system” mentality and why Gangster Bolsheviks consider Bernie Madoff a hero.
•Mussolini’s theory on why the middle class doesn’t support’s it’s class interest
•Opposition to bourgeois liberalism
•Opposition to political correctness and moralistic arguments.
•Stance on Zionism; opposition to WN style racial anti-Semitism in favor of either assimilation or self sufficiency.
•Sexuality; support for possessiveness of one’s body and opposition to Players and Sluts.
•Elliot Rodgers.
•Daryl’s Trolling and online feuds