Category Archives: Alex von Goldstein

Robert Stark interviews Richard Wolstencroft

Richard Wolstencroft












Robert stark and co-host Alex von Goldstein interview Richard Wolstencroft. Richard is a filmmaker, writer, events promoter, and founder and festival Director of the Melbourne Underground Film Festival. Check out his articles at Alternative Right

Topics include:

Richard’s film Pearls Before Swine(Watch here)
The actor and musician Boyd Rice who stars in Pearls Before Swine
The theme of fascism, power, and sadomasochism in the film
Influences on the film include A Clockwork OrangeAmerican Psycho, and Salò, which also deals with the themes of fascism and sadomasochism, and was temporarily banned in Australia
Richard’s horror film Bloodlust
Censorship and Film in Australia
The BDSM Hellfire Club which Richard owned
The psychology and philosophy of sadomasochism, and how it relates to politics(Master–slave dialectic)
Social Darwinism
How culture is a more effective way to be subversive than through politics
Richards Theory of Transcendental Fascism
Richard’s political views, and his interest in the Alternative Right and Nationalism
Richard’s point that the left and right should unite against the globalist 1%(ex. the left should agree to be more anti-immigration, and the right more socialist)
The theory that psychopaths evolve through evolution to deal with overpopulation
The film HIGH-RISE based on the book by British writer J.G. Ballard
Aesthetics in Film
Richard’s new film The Second Coming
Richard’s porn documentary THE LAST DAYS OF JOE BLOW

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Robert Stark interviews Tila Tequila

Tila Tequilla










Robert Stark and co-host Alex von Goldstein talk to Tila Tequila

Topics include:

How Tila was the first person to catapult social media into what it is today
How Tila became disillusioned with the degeneracy and emptiness of Hollywood
Tila’s response to people who say she is a hypocrite for speaking out against degeneracy
Blackmail, character assassinations, and censorship in Hollywood
Drug Addiction
Meditation and Spirituality
Conspiracy Theories & The Green Pill
How Tila was the first celebrity to openly endorse Donald Trump
The Japanese Vaporwave Donald Trump Commercial
How Tila’s views have evolved and her interest in the Alt-Right
How Tila’s original fans have reacted to her views and her new fans on the Alt-Right
How becoming a mother has changed her outlook on life
How Tila’s Normie friends have reacted to her views
Trolling and Meme Culture
Tila’s upcoming appearance at the National Policy Institute in D.C

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Robert Stark, Rabbit, & Alex von Goldstein talk about Future Trends & Scenarios

Future Trends












Topics include:

The conservative concept of self sufficiency( ex.working for a corporation, driving a car, and owning a home, in the suburbs) vs. the traditionalist one(ex.growing your own food), and the futurist one
The traditionalist Larpy goal of a society where everyone grows their own food, and how local agriculture should be encouraged, but it is unrealistic for everyone to be involved in it
The growth of the suburbs, from the original Railroad suburbs of the 19th Century, to the post war car oriented suburban sprawl
How small towns that have access to both urbanism and wilderness are the ideal place to live for those who can afford them(ex. Marin CountyPalo Alto, and East Bay Hills in the SF Bay Area, and parts of  North Jersey)
New Urbanism, which seeks to re-create walkable communities out of car oriented suburbs
James Howard Kunstler‘s theory that Peak oil will lead to the death of suburbia and re-creation of localized communities
Future predictions that Peak Oil will lead to a Mad Max style collapse
Conspiracy Theories, the theory that the elites want chaos vs the frog in the boiling pan theory, and Alex’s comment that the elite’s have a short time frame
A Futurist Utopian model that’s ecologically sustainable, where robots do all the work, and that has a Basic income
How a basic income could create a utopia if implemented the right way, but could also be abused by the elites
How the key problem with society is that the elites control to much of the wealth, and the underclass control a large share of the population, and how to remedy that
Mike Judge’s Idiocracy
The Nineteen Eighty-Four Police State Scenario
The US Prison System, and how inhumane condition only make people more dangerous
How we have open border combined with a surveillance state
How terrorism, “hate speech”, and the underage sex hysteria have been used to justify complete surveillance of the internet
How every political ideology is tied to a cultural aesthetic
Our upcoming show on Retrofuturism, and how Retrofuturism is the perfect aesthetic for Radical Centrism, because they are both based on fusionism

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Robert Stark interviews Peter Brimelow

Peter Brimelow











Robert Stark and co-host Alex von Goldstein talk to VDARE editor Peter Brimelow. Prior to creating VDARE, Peter was also a writer and editor at Forbes, the Financial Post, and National Review

Topics include:

Peter’s background in financial journalism
Peter’s experience with the conservative movement
How Peter and other writers such as John Derbyshire were purged from National Review
The history of VDARE
Peter’s 1996 book Alien Nation
The economic and cultural factors behind mass immigration
The Immigration act of 1965 and how it discriminates against Europeans
How Mass immigration is a redistribution of wealth from the working and middle classes to the immigrants themselves and the economic elite
How the key issue with immigration is the numbers
A Progressive case against mass immigration
The European Migrant Crisis
How Brexit sparked a political realignment, and whether Donald Trump can do the same
How if elected, Donald Trump can make a major impact through executive orders and enforcing existing immigration laws
Defining conservatism and whether the label has become obsolete

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Robert Stark interviews Richard Spencer about the RNC Convention











Robert Stark and co-host Alex von Goldstein interview Radix Journal editor Richard Spencer

Topics include:

Richard Spencer’s experience at the RNC Convention
Richard’s interview with Jorge Ramos for an HBO Documentary
How Richard has found that liberal journalists are more interested in talking to him than conservatives
Richard’s disappointment in Trump selecting Conservative Inc. candidate Mike Pence for VP
How Trump ideally should of chosen Jim Webb For VP
Trump’s speech at the convention
How Trump is pushing the GOP in a radical centrist direction
Trump puts Glass Steagall & Peace In GOP Platform
Hillary’s selection of Wall Street puppet Tim Kaine for VP, and how that further alienates Bernie Sanders supporters
How Trump can Target Sanders Supporters due to Tim Kain, and #DNCLeaks
Ivanka Trump’s speech and her comment that the best predictor of income inequality is not being a woman, it is being a mother
Peter Thiel’s Archeofuturist Speech
How Archeo Futurism is a more grandiose vision than simply being a reactionary or radical traditionalist
How Richard was recently Banned in the UK
After Brexit
The recent Terrorist attacks in Nice, France and Munich, Germany, and how terrorism has become a common occurrence in Europe
How the Munich Shooter does not fit into the major political narratives

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Robert Stark interviews Alex von Goldstein about Conspiracy Theories & The Green Pill






Topics include:

The importance of being skeptical towards both the establishment narrative and conspiracy theories
Conspiracy theories vs. the general populist narrative that the elites are acting against the interest of the people
How contrary to conspiracy theories, many of the elites have a short time frame
How conspiracy theories have become irrelevent because the world is so crazy that reading the news is enough
September 11th, and the rise of the modern conspiracy movement
Alex Jones
How the US Government covered up Saudi Arabia’s role in 9/11
The concept of controlled opposition
How conspiracy theories are used to avoid addressing politically incorrect issues
How conspiracy theories about 9/11 and Terror attacks distract from the Invade the World, Invite the World agenda
How conspiracy theories about mass shootings(ex. Sandy Hook and the Batman shooting being MK Ultra) distracts from society’s role in creating these individuals 
Ingroup vs outgroup indentities as a basis for conspiracy theories
Jewish conpiracy theories vs SJW theories of White Privelege and the Patriarachy
Bohemian Grove(archeo-futurist bent of Carthage vs Rome)
David Icke‘s Reptilian “bloodlines” theory
The Green Pill, which is the belief in the supernatural vs. the Red Pill, which see’s the world in terms of people
Graham Hancock vs Richard Dawkins on materialism, the idea of “The Truth”, Spirituality vs Rationality- LSD/DMT hippies vs Fedora Atheists
Terence McKenna and Henry Harpending’s research(the great leap in human IQ caused by magic mushrooms) vs human biodiversity
The documentary Hollywood Casting Couch Satan’s Playground, and the theory that sexual rituals are used to blackmail public figures
Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut
The Film They Live
Andy Nowicki’s book: Conspiracy, Compliance, Control, & Defiance

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Robert Stark, Rabbit, & Alex von Goldstein talk about Radical Centrism, Cultural Elitism, & Gore Vidal

Stark Truth Vaporwave










Topics include:

Rabbit’s Alt Left and how it’s similar to Radical Centrism
How Radical Centrism relates to the Alt Right, which is a big tent movement for people who oppose political correctness and mass immigration, but includes people with more left and Center views
How Radical Centrism can adopt the issues abandoned by the left in favor of globalism and open borders(ex. civil liberties, the environment, workers rights, and anti-war)
How the left opposed the Brexit which strips the world’s 400 richest people of $127 billion
The Horseshoe theory, and how the radical center is the part of the horseshoe drifting in nothingness
Implementing Radical Centrism politically, and which demographic groups it could appeal to
Where Radical Centrism overlaps with the left, right, and libertarianism
What is the role of Government vs. Individual Liberty
Capitalism and how it can produce innovation, but is disruptive when unfettered without zoning laws, environmental protection, protectionism, and financial regulation
White liberal utopia’s such as Portland, Oregon and Boulder, Colorado, how they relate to the Alt Left, and how they contrast with “conservative” run regions such as Texas
Pan Secessionism and how it can offer every ideology and group self determination
Gore Vidal as a Radical Center/Alt Left Icon
Gore Vidal’s controversial statements on issues including immigration, race, WWII, Roman Polanski, Ruby Ridge, and how he corresponded with Timothy McVeigh
Gore Vidal’s Cultural Elitism
Gore Vidal’s novels
Homosexuality in Ancient Greece and Rome
The importance of cultural elitism
How our society has a hierarchy based on wealth and celebrity status  rather than cultural elitism

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Robert Stark interviews Keith Preston about the New Political Paradigm










Robert Stark and co-host Alex von Goldstein talk to Keith Preston of Attack the System

Topics include:

Keith’s essay Crossroads 2016: Where do we go from here
How Hillary Clinton is the perfect manifestation of the totalitarian humanist convergence, combining militarism, plutocracy, and police statism with ostensibly liberal and progressive values as an ideological cover
How the antiwar, civil libertarian, and labor-oriented sections of the Left have become increasingly alienated from both the Democratic Party and the liberal establishment
The present day political alignments that have emerged because of the rise of totalitarian humanism
How the Donald Trump phenomena represents a stirring of the populist right and the sinking middle class
How some on the antiwar left now favor Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton
How Donald Trump’s political strategy has adopted aspects of Keith’s essay “Liberty and Populism
The new left-wing of the ruling class that has emerged from outside the ranks of the traditional WASP elites
The ten core demographics of a radical or revolutionary movement in North America
Libertarianism, the death of Ron Paul’s Paleo-libertarian Movement, Libertarian Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson, and how he’s basically a Rockefeller Republican
The popular Five Star Movement in Italy which has successfully combined liberal, conservative, and libertarian positions
The rise of Radical Centrist and synergist politics in Europe and whether that will spread to the United States
The Managerial Revolution
How the Secret of Swiss Success Is Decentralization and the Canton Sytem
How decentralized systems are much more stable and successful since there’s far less risk of a mistaken policy being imposed on a one-size-fits-all basis
The misconception that decentralist are luddites, and how decentralization is compatible with urbanism and technology
Norman Mailer, and his plan to make New York City into an independent decentralized City State
Social credit and the necessity of a Basic Income

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Part I: Interview with James O’Meara about Green Nazis in Space

Green Nazis in Space











Robert Stark, Rabbit, & Alex von Goldstein talk to James  O’Meara about his new book Green Nazis in Space  published by Counter-Currents Publishing. James O’Meara is also the author of The Homo and the NegroThe Eldritch Evola and Others, and End of an Era: Mad Men and the Ordeal of Civility

Topics include:
The Rise & Fall of the Männerbund in Pre-War American Pop Culture
Jeffrey P. Dennis’s We Boys Together: Teenagers in Love Before Girl-Craziness
Changing depictions of masculinity in film and how male bonding has become equated with homosexuality
“That’s so 80’s”
Depictions of road trips in film such as National Lampoon’s Vacation, and it’s decline
Depictions of the future in film
Reflections on Sartorial Fascism and the decline of male fashion
Michel Houellebecq’s anti-sexual utopia
Thoughts on Islam, and how the Arab and Islamic world once produced great culture but has been corrupted by Oil Rich Gulf State Wahhabis
“The Gilmore Girls Occupy Wall Street” and James Howard Kunstler
Steve Sailer’s article on Boulder, Colorado about liberal white utopias
The Old Gay House: James’s review of A Passion to Preserve: Gay Men as Keepers of Culture

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Robert Stark interviews Alex von Goldstein about Pepe the Frog

Alex von Pepe









Topics include:

Matt Furie as the creator of Pepe, and the transition of Pepe from a online comic character to a symbol of “The Current Year”
What is “the Current Year” and how does it relate to Jean Baudrillard‘s idea of “the simulation”?
The visceral real (sex, violence) and how it loses itself in modernity, replaced with video simulation
The plastic, “feels good man” reality that pepe exists in
How the Transition of Pepe into a figure of the Current Year shows how people really think, not what the Establishment wants us to think
How Pepe’s popularity became widespread on 4Chan, and among NEETs and Incels
Pepe, the Oregon Shooter, and the Beta Uprising meme
How Pepe became an incon of the Alt-right and Trump campaign
The idea of “The Trolls” as the dissident members of the society, and how Left-Wing Trolls are essentially “Agent Smiths” of the Matrix
How White people are split between Post-White(master and slave dialectic/the breeders of the society) and the dissidents (Alt Right, Radical Center, Manosphere, Trad-Con, HBD, etc)
Pepe as a figure for those who are kicked out of society(the New Barbarians as Jack Donovan says)
Pepe as a symbol of nihilism, and how nihilism serves a purpose to tear down our current societies values but is not viable as a permenent state of being
Pepe as a fertility figure and how Pepe will lead nerds and dissidents to a happy and healthy future

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