Category Archives: European Nationalism

Robert Stark interviews Joaquin Flores

















Joaquin Flores is a spokesman for New Resistance, runs The Center For Syncretic Studies, and is a member of the Serbian Radical Party.

Topics include:

New Resistance

The Center For Syncretic Studies

How he started off on the radical left

Modern day Bourgeois Liberalsim

Bourgeois Nationalism versus Revolutionary Nationalism

Latin American movements such as the Sandinistas, Peronist, and Bolivarist

Why he chose Serbia as his center of operation

Why he predicts World War IV starting in Eastern Europe

The situation in the Middle East

European Nationalism and the New Right

The need for a Left/Right alliance against the Plutocracy


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Robert Stark interviews Keith Preston on The European Elections


Topics include:

•The recent elections in Europe
•How the elections were a referendum on the neoliberal establishment
•How European Nationalist parties are moving to the left economically
•How European Nationalist parties have appealed to constituencies of the left
•Whether the United State could see similar movements
•Ralph Nader’s call for a left right alliance against the corporate state
•Whether dissident movements could appeal to ethnic minorities in the future
•”Time For White Male Thick Libertarianism?”
•Libertarians who oppose free speech in the private sector
•Arguments about whether dissident political movements inspire mass murderers

Robert Stark interviews Daryl B.










Robert Stark talks to Daryl B. of the Gangster Bolshevik movement.

Topics include:

•Support for your clique and allied cliques instead of the entire “movement,” society, nation, race etc.
•Regionalism. Support for the local area, but not bourgeois nationalism.
•Why Nationalism is different in Europe and America.
•Why Daryl favors European Nationalist over the existing political system.
•Support for a class struggle.
•Not an open advocacy of violence, but a quiet admiration of people who are in jail.
•Gangster Bolsheviks take a termite view towards society.
•Disrespect for authority when you aren’t on the same page as the authority.
•Study of both Fascist and Marxist thinkers. Preference for a Socialist revolution, then after that, a mob like authoritarian rule.
•The capitalist state never “withers away” it is replaced. Lenin was correct on this.
•The socialist state will not “wither away” either. It will simply complete the class struggle and either be reformed or replaced.
•The state is only opposed as a tool of a class oppression. Gangster bolsehvism is not anarchism.
•Why Gangster Bolsheviks tend to admire Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao and Kim Il-Sung but tend to dislike Trotsky.
•The “Work the system” mentality and why Gangster Bolsheviks consider Bernie Madoff a hero.
•Mussolini’s theory on why the middle class doesn’t support’s it’s class interest
•Opposition to bourgeois liberalism
•Opposition to political correctness and moralistic arguments.
•Stance on Zionism; opposition to WN style racial anti-Semitism in favor of either assimilation or self sufficiency.
•Sexuality; support for possessiveness of one’s body and opposition to Players and Sluts.
•Elliot Rodgers.
•Daryl’s Trolling and online feuds