The failure of conservatism and need for a progressive right that embraces utopianism and radical creativity
The mentality of defeat vs. traits of power (The New Man)
Transhumanism Jason Reza Jorjani‘s Prometheism Cosmological natural selection: the science of creating new promethean universes
The political situation in France
Michael’s background, interest in transhumanism and artificial intelligence, and political evolution
Potential impacts of artificial intelligence on inequality and the liberal worldview
Why the post scarcity economy (Fully Automated Luxury Communism) is a long ways away
The Bay Area futurist scene and the Gray Tribe
The demographic and class dynamics of the San Francisco Bay Area
The trend of demographic fragmentation into enclavism/neo-tribalism and end of the mythos of America
The economic strategy of diversity
Thoughts on the election, civil unrest, crackdown on the right, and alt-tech
The politics of acceleration vs. boiling frog theory
Jason’s Faustian Futurist as an entry point to the philosophical and political concepts of his non-fiction work
The intimacy in giving the reader a window into the author’s subconscious
The Faustian archetype
The novel’s alternative history timeline set in the 2nd half of the 20th Century with an epilogue of the 21st Century
The theme of reincarnation
The significance of Atlantis in the novel and the empirical archeological evidence of Atlantis
Parapsychologist Gerald Feinberg’s The Prometheus Project, Mankind’s Search for Long-Range Goals
The parapsychological science of Remote viewing
A Prometheist vision beyond the convergence of left and right with a post-capitalist/scarcity outlook, and objective to find the balance between communitarianism and the creative potential of the individual
The limitations of electoral politics and the need to create a technological, cultural, and aesthetic movement The Great Reset and the breakaway civilization
The mass exodus out of major cities and symbolism of the destruction of New York City as the cosmopolis of the West
Jason’s thoughts on the motives behind the woke agenda
Houellebecq’s early “loser” status, achieving success later in life, and auto-biographical themes in his work
French archetypes and cultural themes Houellebecq’s Incel Prophecy: The Alienated and Intimacy-Starved
Houellebecq’s comparison of the sexual marketplace to free-market economics
Houellebecq as a social commentator and satirist but offers no explicit political solutions Transhumanism and Geomaxxing presented as non-conventional escapes from the post-modern predicament
The infamous night club scene from the film rendition of Whatever dealing with the Age Pill and Black Pill
The normie script for life and Houellebecq as an example of someone who broke the script and succeeded
Houellebecq’s commentary that the World Will Be Same But Worse After ‘Banal’ Virus and Study on long term impacts of pandemic on relationships
Houellebecq’s literary style and dry witty dark humor
Robert and Matt plug their upcoming novels which deal with similar themes to Houellebecq’s work Submission, the vulnerability of atomized liberal societies to cohesive outside forces, and why France is the most politically significant European country
Robert Stark talks to Jason Reza Jorjani about his new book Prometheism. Jason Reza Jorjani, PhD is an Iranian-American philosopher, lifelong native New Yorker, and author of numerous books including Prometheus and Atlas. Also check out his Twitter and Patreon.
The Prometheist Manifesto: a new political, spiritual, and techno-scientific movement Prometheus as the enlightener of mankind in Greek mythology
Promethean archetype in the Zoroastrian deity Ahura Mazda
Prometheism’s Retro-futurist rather than traditionalist trajectory
The technological singularity, dystopian scenarios, and limited time frame to ensure these technologies benefit mankind
Jason’s book Lovers of Sophia which deals with scenario of existing elites preventing the singularity through a controlled demolition CRISPR gene editing, potential benefits, and dangers that it could be used to weed out non-conformity Parapsychology: Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory program on psychokinesis
Need for a new Promethean elite of creative geniuses and technological innovators
Archeo-futurism as the aesthetic of Prometheism (ex. Art Deco Rockefeller Center and drafts of Hugh Ferriss, Frank Lloyd Wright, Syd Mead, and 70s Iran)
Advocacy of a geo-political constellation of the West, Russia, Iran, India, and Japan under the umbrella of a Promethean ethos
The dangers of toppling the Iranian regime, Trump’s disastrous policies, and how change must come from within
Robert Stark and co-host Dain Fitzgerald talk to Moscow based Unz Review columnist Anatoly Karlin about the Gray Tribe political sphere and other current events. Follow Anatoly and Dain on Twitter.
The long term effectiveness of lock-downs
Why testing and tracing are the most effective tools in earlier stages
The danger that the majority could become infected
Robin’s case for variolation to control the pandemic
The success of Asian nations in handling the pandemic
Using AI to track cases
The dangers of one location re-infecting others Estimated risk scores for various activities The Age of Em which deals with the feasibility of Mind uploading in the future
Why human consciousness cannot be scientifically measured
The impacts of Mind uploading to machines on economics and all ways of life
Robin’s thought experiment Comparing Income & Sex Redistribution
Anatoly’s initial predictions Corona & the Cost of Doing Nothing
The success of China’s quarantine and whether it’s sustainable
Trump’s catch 22 on quarantining the pandemic
How the pandemic could restructure global geopolitics Bernie Sanders Wouldn’t Close The Border To Prevent The Spread Of Wuhan Virus
The need for mandatory sick leave and an emergency UBI
The advantages (car centric suburbia) and disadvantages (no sick leave) of the US over Western Europe Corona Clusters
Corona cases at AIPAC, CPAC, and NATO
The disproved ethnic specific theory Will Russia Succumb to Corona-Chan?
Anatoly’s observations from Moscow
The degree to which new infections are originating from Chinese sources
Robin Hanson’s idea of delayed controlled infection Cucked By Corona: will the the pandemic have a non trivial impact on global fertility? The Cognitive Chain of Being: A New Approach to Animal Rights
Quantifying suffering and figuring out cost efficient ways to reduce suffering
The populist limitations to ending factory farming In vitro meat, other meat substitutes, and whether they’ll becomes cost competitive
The US Presidential election, Bernie’s Woke direction, Biden as the quintessential normie, and why Bloomberg would have given America a cyberpunk vibe
Robert Stark talks to Ashley Messinger about the controversy over Richard Dawkins’ Tweets on eugenics(First and Second). Ashley is based in the UK and writes for You can also find Ashley on Twitter.
Dawkins’ thought experiment that eugenics could work in practice but the ethical costs are not worth it
PC taboos against thought experiments from the moralistic Woke left
Dawkins as part of THE GREY TRIBE
Eugenics as state policy versus private choices(ex. sperm donors) CRISPR gene editing
How all societies select winners and losers, those favored to pass on their genes
Genes selected for ethnocentrism and religiosity
Fertility transitions(ex. population projections for the Mormons and Amish)
The impact of fertility trends on neuro-diversity
Dawkins’ book The Selfish Gene
Jayman’s sane and humane Solutions, including birth control, student loan forgiveness, and natalist tax incentives
The insanity of Trump cutting food stamps for single adults but not single parents
Ashley’s article Optimised Humanity, Towards Corvus Axolotlus on how traits for beauty have been selected
Former Borris Johnson aide Andrew Sabisky and the controversy over his comments on eugenics
Richard Dawkins’ past controversial comments on down syndrome, sexual abuse, and sexual harassment
Ashley’s article Utilitarianism and Rights to Life Genetic traits and personality types selected for compassion towards animals In vitro meat “Germany, France push to end male chick ‘shredding’ in European Union”.
Robert Stark talks to Rachel Haywire about Neurodiversity and updates on her independent campaign for President.
The Transhumanist Party primary results and decision to run unaffiliated Controversy over Jeffrey Epstein’s ties to Transhumanism
Neurodiversity as a focus of Rachel’s campaign
Anti-Neurodiversity sentiments as a reason for Rachel’s breaking with the left
The Neoliberal obsession with PR and image control
Tone policing and de-platforming as an affront to Neurodiversity
Normies pretending to be weird for the sake of being weird
The need for a vitalist bohemian expression of the self Funding for the Transgressive Arts
Society’s failure to channel alienation into healthy expression valves
The need for neuro based economic niches
The use of VR as an alternative universe for visionaries
Retaking rather than opposing technological progress AIRBNB CLAIMS ITS AI CAN PREDICT WHETHER GUESTS ARE PSYCHOPATHS
Dissident politics as a a reaction to neurotypicals
Aimee Terese and the anti-PC Left
Woke Neurodiversity meetups
The problem of Neurodiversity being treated as a disability, often patronizing the gifted 20 Utterly Milquetoast Predictions for 2020 Election Party – The Card Game that simulates politics