Category Archives: censorship

Robert Stark interviews David Cole about Censorship & Selective Outrage


Topics include:

David’s article Our Delicate Muslims about the Muslim boy who brought a clock to school
How there is police state abuse but people are selective in their outrage
How Political Correctness forces the Police State to treat everyone equally bad
How Ernst Zundel was treated the same as Islamic Terrorist in Canada in order to appear fair
David’s experience at Hamilton High School in Los Angeles in the 1980’s
David’s article The Right’s Jewish Problem about Dave’s old “Friends of Abe Club” hosting Mark Steyn
Double standards about censorship
Why David is even handed in criticizing all groups
David’s thoughts on the Ann Coulter incident
John Derbyshire’s expulsion from National Review
Aryan Psycho Killers and Me
The Left’s Ever-Shifting Goalposts
Latinas in the Field

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Robert Stark interviews Richard Spencer about the European Migrant Crisis & the Trump Phenomenon

Angela Merkel

Topics include:

A Podcast from a Budapest Jail about his arrest for thought crimes by Victor Orban’s Government in Hungary
How Richard was treated humanely in contrast to Prison conditions in “Liberal” America
How ironically Victor Orban is the most hard line of the European leaders on the migrant crisis
How people are more moved by emotions than logic and statistics
European Refugee Crisis as Blowback
Gaddafi’s Revenge
Richard’s interview with German journalist Manuel Ochsenreiter who has covered the crisis from both Germany and Syria
The Trump Phenomenon
How Trump embodies many aspects of the Radical Centrist movement Robert and Richard advocated in a previous pre-election podcast
What is the American Right?
Has Coulter Left Conservatism?

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Robert Stark interviews Charles Lincoln about Cultural Genocide in the American South

Charles Lincoln- Lee Circle

Topics include:

The Push to remove Confederate Monuments in the American South
The Proposed Censorship of Gone with the Wind
How Southern Culture has became synonymous with prole culture
The History of the American South since the Civil War
How the Civil War was the beginning of American Imperialism
How Culture is dependent upon Symbols
How regional cultures are being eradicated
Defining Cultural genocide
Examples of Cultural Genocides throughout history
Parallels between the English occupation of Ireland and the American South


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Robert Stark interviews The Truth Will Live

The Truth Will Live












The Truth Will Live is a Blonde Jewish, Neoreactionary, Iconoclast, Youtuber from the Midwest.

Topics include:

The Torah Talk  Show she co-host with Luke Ford that relates modern day issues to Jewish Religious Texts
How she grew up in the Conservative Denomination of Judaism
Her interest in converting to Orthodox Judaism and the aspects that appeal to her and the aspects that don’t
Whether she should create her own religion
How she went from an Atheist Feminist Liberal  to a Reactionary
How her exposure to censorship as well as intellectual and moral hypocrisy caused her to abandon the left
How her views on Race and Gender Changed
The concept of an in-group vs. out-group identity and whether there should be a balance
Her interest in Neoreactionary, Alternative Right, and Dark Enlightenment Politics and how those movement’s attract creative types  and former leftist who do not fit into the stereotypical conservative mold

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Robert Stark interviews Ogi Ogas

OgiOgasA Billion Wicked Thoughts









Ogi Ogas received his Ph.D. in computational neuroscience from Boston University, where he designed mathematical models of learning, memory, and vision. He is co-author of A Billion Wicked Thoughts . He was a Department of Homeland Security Fellow and conducted biodefense research at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. He was also a contestant on the Game show Who Wants to be a Millionaire.

Topics include:

How Ogi analyzed web searches, Web sites, erotic videos, erotic stories, personal ads, and digitized romance novels
How his study is the most extensive since Alfred Kinsey’s in the 1950’s
How censorship and barriers to sex research used to come primarily from social conservatives but now often comes from cultural liberals
How men and women’s brain’s are wired differently
How men’s desires are primarily visual while women’s are more psychological
How physical arousal can contradict psychological arousal in women
How women’s desire’s and what they find attractive in men are more influenced by culture than men’s
The attraction to youth and how Barely Legal Porn is the only subscription genre to survive the proliferation of Tube Porn
The misconception that homosexual men are women in men’s bodies
Homosexual Porn
Why heterosexual men are surprisingly interested in trans porn
The theme of domination in Porn and how it’s viewed by women and both heterosexual and homosexual men

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Artwork

Robert Stark interviews Yoshi Obayashi










Yoshi Obayashi is a comedian originally from Japan, and has worked for Evil Angels Porn Production. Yoshi has a podcast Yoshi Didn’t .

Topics include:

His job in Porn Production

Extremes and Taboos in Porn – one example of this might be Young sex galore, exclusively at

His Airport Porn Story

Japanese and Asian Culture

Asian Comics

The theme of race in comedy

Censorship in comedy

Sexual Repression

His trip to Afghanistan and a story where two police chiefs murdered each other over a boy

Transgender people

His views on how society should deal with pedophilia


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