Category Archives: Third Way Economics

Robert Stark interviews Max Marco of the Renaissance Party of North America








Max Marco is the Chairman of the American Branch of the Renaissance Party of North America.

Topics include:

How the Renaissance Party was originally recreated in Canada by Sebastian Ronin

The need to reject the left right paradigm

Why they reject reactionary right wing movement’s such as white nationalism

Why they reject Americanism and symbols of America

The differences between ethno nationalism and white nationalism

Secessionist Movements such as the League of the South and the Second Vermont Republic

Bio Regionalism

Peak Oil and how it will recreate localized economies

Ecological based economics


Position of Social Issues


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Robert Stark interviews Keith Preston about Distributism
















Robert Stark talks to Keith Preston of Attack the System for a written interview.

Topics include:

Keith’s interest in alternative economics that opposes both capitalism and socialism such as distributism
Why third way economics theories have limited influence but a large potential audience
A Traditionalist critique of Capitalism
Chesterton and Belloc’s views on Nationalism, Eugenics, and Imperialism
How Marxist viewed Distributism as a Petit Bourgeois movement
The Distributist critique of the welfare state versus the modern conservative view towards poverty
Taxation policies such as a Negative Income Tax and Asset Tax

Transcript of Interview:

Continue reading Robert Stark interviews Keith Preston about Distributism

Robert Stark interviews Ellen Brown about her campaign for Treasurer












Ellen Brown is a candidate for State Treasurer of California for the Green Party. She is currently chairman and president of the Public Banking Institute, which is an organization that promotes public banking in the United States and elsewhere.


Campaign Website:

Topics include

  • Instituting a Public Bank in the State of California
  • Why she is running under the Green Party Ticket
  • Why lending money from private banks is responsible for the State’s budget crisis
  • Robbing Mainstream to prop up Wall Street: Why Jerry Brown’s rainy day fund is a bad ide
  • Wall Street greed: Not to big for California Jury
  • Barriers to third party candidates
  • Monsanto
  • The Bank of North Dakota and it’s results
  • How private banks have cut off the credit line for small business start ups

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Robert Stark interviews Greg Johnson on Wealth Redistribution


Robert Stark interviews Greg Johnson on wealth redistribution and related topics:

  • Libertarian and the Tea Party as attempts to channel white political and economic anxieties into free market policies
  • How the threat of the underclass should not distract middle class whites from the threat of the overclass, which is shipping their jobs overseas and importing non-white workers
  • Why the Right desperately needs to deconstruct free market economic orthodoxy
  • Why it is a good idea to cap incomes
  • Populism as a moral principle
  • Why classical republicanism require a strong middle class
  • Why maintaining the middle class requires junking free market orthodoxy
  • Why redistributing wealth as a normal day-to-day policy is a sign of social imbalance
  • Why wealth redistribution does not need to be part of an egalitarian, socialist policy
  • Why a single massive redistribution of wealth after a revolution would be desirable
  • How to recapitalize and reindustrialize America
  • Why populism requires meritocracy
  • Why meritocracy requires a way to ensure downward as well as upward mobility
  • Why political and intellectual independence require economic independence
  • The Koch brothers
  • Distributism: why we want private property broadly distributed; why we want more small capitalists and fewer big ones
  • The craziness of the real estate market
  • Why mortgage interest deductibility is a racket that creates higher house prices and benefits banks
  • Why it is a good idea to limit the number of houses people can own
  • The prospects of breaking the ruling coaltion of plutocrats, public employee unions, and the underclass
  • The destruction of the white middle class in California and the creation of a Third World style plantation economy
  • Why the antebellum South was a form of capitalism not an aristocratic or feudal society
  • Some recommended reading by Greg Johnson: “The End of Globalization,” “Thoughts on Debt Repudiation,” and “Money for Nothing
  • Why Counter-Currents wants to publish more writings on Social Credit

Continue reading Robert Stark interviews Greg Johnson on Wealth Redistribution

Robert Stark interviews Ellen Brown
















Robert Stark interviews Ellen Brown. Topics include:

Ellen’s book, The Web of Debt;
The history of banking;
The benefits of public banking;
The reason for the illegal immigration and how the bankers looted Mexico’s banking system;

Ellen Brown is an American lawyer and author who since 2008 has become a well-known monetary reformer, mostly because of her book The Web of Debt. She has also written several books about alternative medicine. She is currently chairman and president of the Public Banking Institute, which is an organization that promotes public banking in the United States and elsewhere.

In The Web of Debt she analyzes the Federal Reserve and the private money cartel. The analysis is peppered with quotes from The Wizard of Oz, which she believes is an allegory about the need for monetary reform. She explains how the monetary cartel usurped the power of the vast majority of the global human population to create money out of thin air by so-called fractional-reserve banking, and also the negative impact this has on the well-being of people. In short, the consequences is that the debt increases in the world and the banks’ power increases. One of the solutions she sees for USA, and also for other countries, is a bank system which is used in North Dakota by The Bank of North Dakota.

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