Category Archives: Islamization

Robert Stark interviews Daniel Friberg

Daniel Friberg The Real Right Returns

Daniel Friberg, MBA, is CEO of the Swedish mining corporation Wiking Mineral and was a founding member of the Swedish metapolitical think tank, Motpol. He has a long history in the Swedish opposition, and was one of the founders of Arktos. His new book is The Real Right Returns (Hardback) – Arktos

Topics include:

The decline in the Swedish education system
The immigration situation in Sweden and Europe
How US and NATO foreign policy destabilized the Middle East
How American influence threatens European independence
How the establishment is loosing it’s intellectual legitimacy
The importance of metapolitics
Defining the right and left
The left’s cultural war of conquest
The outsourcing of manufacturing
How wealth is being distributed from the middle class to the financial elites and foreign proletariat
The book’s chapter on gender
Political Correctness and Censorship in Sweden

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Artwork

Robert Stark interviews Dota about the Paris Terrorist Attack













Dota  is a Canadian Paleo-Conservative of Indian origin. He blogs at

Topics include:

The Importance Of Being Tolerable: Thoughts On The Shooting in France and Multicultural Stupidity

Muslims, Muslim Immigration, and why it’s a mistake to make Islam the main issue

When immigrants are wiser than natives

Dota’s recent trip to Mumbai, India and how the nation has changed

Dota’s article on Return of Kings

Why feminism fails in the third world

Portrait of the alpha male

Feminism’s corporate benefactors


Robert Stark interviews Luke Ford about Nationalism

Luke Ford Cult Leader












Luke’s thoughts on the Tom Sunic event at the JEM Center including both Jews and White Nationalist
Why Jews and White Nationalist are hostile towards each other and how it’s awkward for Luke to have ties to both groups
How every major Jewish Organization supports Immigration Amnesty
Blood and Politics: The History of the White Nationalist Movement from the Margins to the Mainstream by Leonard Zeskind
What Would A White Nationalist Takeover Look Like In The US?
Is A White Nationalist Takeover Inevitable?
How Luke’s independent employment as an Alexander Technique Specialist enables him to exercise his controversial  views
Why Does American Choose Sides In The Middle East?
Why Luke Rarely Thinks About Palestinian Suffering
German Nationalist Marches Grow
Why every groups has a right to pursue it’s own ethnic self interest
Emotional Addictions
The importance of being part of a group and feeling a sense of belonging
How homogeneous areas have higher levels of social trust
How White Nationalism attracts people who have failed at life and are looking for a sense of importance and belonging
Luke’s thought’s on Charles Lincoln’s talk about life in Beverly Hills
Luke Wants His Own Media Company
The theme of contradiction and conflict in Luke’s life and blogging


Tom Sunic & Luke Ford speak on Islam and the West

On Sunday September 21st Luke Ford and Tom Sunic  spoke on Islam Vs The West

Croatian-American writer Tom Sunic addressed the Beverly Hills Community Sports Center owned by JEM (Jewish Educational Movement) about Islam and the West. Luke Ford weighed in and a lively dialogue ensued on the future of the West, the roles of Muslims and Jews and immigrants and third-world peoples in first world civilizations, multi-culturalism, multi-racialism, religion, paganism and Judaism.

This is a rare conversation with people from different ethnic and ideological backgrounds concerning the many problems facing the west and the rest of the world.

Robert Stark interviews Tom Sunic about Islam in Europe












Robert Stark and Charles Lincoln talk to Tom Sunic about his upcoming speeches in Southern California on the Islamization of Europe. Tom Sunic, Ph.D. is an Author, Translator, former US Professor, and former Cultural Counselor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Croatia. Dr. Sunic’ title: “1400 Years of Islamic Imperialism: Real or Surreal Menaces to Europe from the Mediaeval Caliphates, to the Ottomans at the Gates of Vienna, to the New Islamic Terror and “Voluntary” Invasion-Repopulation of Europe.”

Topics include:

Tom Sunic’s scheduled speeches in Southern California
The History of Islamic Imperialism in Europe
The Ottoman Empire in the Balkans
Why Islam should not be used as a synonym for immigration or race
Muslim demographics in Europe
Speech Code Laws in Europe
The concept of the Caliphate
How European Nationalist have different perspectives on the Islamic issue
Why the political and capital elites are to blame for the situation in Europe
Charles Lincoln’s hosted panel at the JEM Community Center in Beverly Hills, including Tom Sunic, Charles Lincoln, Robert Stark, and Luke Ford

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