Category Archives: Middle East

Robert Stark interviews Robert Lindsay on Russia & The Middle East

me-against-the-phone-table-10-00 (1)


Topics Include:

Why Robert stands with Putin
Why much of the Hard Left Is with Putin
Why Robert does not view Putin as an Imperialist
Russia as a bulwark against American Imperialism
Why Russia wants a multipolar world as opposed to America’s unipolar world
How the US is selective in it’s support for separatist movements
Oligarchs and how income inequality has been reduced under Putin
How Robert views Putin as being in between a Russian Nationalist and an Atlantic Integrationist
Some Ridiculous Anti-Russian Arguments
The lie that Russia has no allies in the former East Bloc or in the former USSR
The Jewish view toward Russia
The geographic history of the Ukraine
The Ukrainian Regime’s Nazi Policies
Russia’s alliance with Syria and Iran
The Project for a New American Century
How Robert views America and Israel as one monolithic country
Robert’s assistance to the Israeli organization DEBKA
How Robert’s Beyond Highbrow  leaked the picture of the dead Israeli soldier
The recent Israeli conflict in Gaza and why Robert basically takes a neutral stance
Sunni vs. Shia Islam
How Shia Islam is more moderate but is opposed by Israel
The Lebanese Civil War
The Arab Baathist Party and Saddam Hussein
Why Robert is willing to ally himself with Fascist against American Imperialism
Why the Progressive Project is the assimilation of the Jews from the Ghetto
Patrilineality and the tribal instinct to sleep with women of other groups while safeguarding your own
Roissy’s Stupid PUA Site and how unregulated sexuality mirrors right wing economics


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Robert Stark interviews Joaquin Flores

















Joaquin Flores is a spokesman for New Resistance, runs The Center For Syncretic Studies, and is a member of the Serbian Radical Party.

Topics include:

New Resistance

The Center For Syncretic Studies

How he started off on the radical left

Modern day Bourgeois Liberalsim

Bourgeois Nationalism versus Revolutionary Nationalism

Latin American movements such as the Sandinistas, Peronist, and Bolivarist

Why he chose Serbia as his center of operation

Why he predicts World War IV starting in Eastern Europe

The situation in the Middle East

European Nationalism and the New Right

The need for a Left/Right alliance against the Plutocracy


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Robert Stark Interviews Manuel Ochsenreiter on the Syrian Civil War


Robert Stark interviews journalist Manuel Ochsenreiter about the civil war in Syria. Topics discussed include:

    • The different sides within Syria and their motives
    • The motives of the outside parties intervening in Syria’s affairs
    • The role of the Christian community in the fighting
    • The role of Hezbollah in the fighting
    • The allegations of the use of chemical weapons