Category Archives: Luke Ford

Robert Stark talks to Count Fosco about Cruel Intentions, Sex, Class & Alt Politics










The film Cruel Intentions
The Main theme in the movie is the corruption of innocence and purity
The movie has many versions, sequels, and is based on the French original, “Les Liaisons Dangereuses”
Entrapment scenes, gay entrapment, and broken families
Kathryn’s view of sex and her use of sex to manipulate
Sebastian is a little bit more flamboyant than the usual pick up artist; he is confident but in an in-artificial way
The character of Court Reynolds is almost a Spencerian evil “White” character described as a “Nazi”
The mixed-race relationship angle is played up as one of Karthyns violations
Kathryn’s Feminist speech in opposition to “Miss Mary Sunshine.”
Sex as an initiation into a Secret Society as a joke, mentioned by Kathryn
Upper class degeneration isn’t really seen as disgusting or stupid in movies as low class degeneracy
Anti-Semitic tropes in the film
The end of the film was incoherent as it left Sebastian with a redemptive change of heart with very little explanation for it
Old Westbury Gardens manor house where Sebastian’s aunt lives
The misconception that Hollywood is completely controlled and often exposes elite corruption
The recent Alt-Right drama and how the Alt Right is completely separated along class lines
Count’s ideology; Social Nationalism, Economic Populism, and Cultural Elitism
The 12 Steps Of Alt Right Anonymous and how Luke Ford is the most important comedian of the Alt-Right
The Nathan Cofnas critique of Kevin MacDonald and how Count basically agrees with most of it
Lauren Southern’s South Africa Documentary 

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Robert Stark talks to Luke Ford about the Harvey Weinstein scandal









Robert Stark and co-host Joshua Zeidner talk to blogger Luke Ford about the Harvey Weinstein scandal.


LAT: More than 30 women come forward to accuse director James Toback of sexual harassment
The rape allegations and criminal investigations against Harvey Weinstein
The insular nature of Hollywood
Luke’s involvement in Hollywood as a background player
Luke’s book The Producers: Profiles in Frustration
Harvey Weinstein’s buying off of journalist
Luke’s exposé on a scandal involving the Hollywood Gay Mafia and David Geffen 
Corey Feldman’s allegations against Hollywood
The predatory urge behind sexual power
Luke’s observation that the Porn Industry is a lot more honest and open than Hollywood
Luke’s estimate that most actors and actresses trade sexual favors for roles
Ilana Mercer’s article Harvey Sweinstein and Hollywood’s Hos
Tablet Mag: Harvey Weinstein, Philip Roth, and Jewish Perverts
Harvey Weinstein’s personality type

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Robert Stark interviews Josh Alan Friedman















Robert Stark and co-host Pilleater talk to writer and musician Josh Alan Friedman. He blogs at Black Cracker Online


Intro Song: “Thanksgiving at McDonald’s in Times Square” by Josh Alan Friedman
Josh’s book Black Cracker about his experience going to the last segregated Black school in New York
Recovering lost memories from 1962 when Josh was in 1st Grade
The account of Josh being lynched in the book
The location of Glen Cove, Long Island, Black Shanty Towns, and the Gold Coast Era
Reactions to the book
Race relations in New York City in the 70’s, school busing, and the Bernie Goetz incident
Josh’s move to Dallas, Texas where his music career took off
Josh’s interest in Blues music, White adaptation of the Blues in the 60’s, the 80’s Blues Revival in Texas, and decline in interest among Blacks
Josh’s solo guitar act
Openings for bands including Huey Lewis and the News, War, Johnny Winter, and Bad Company
Josh’s book Tales of Times Square about Time Square in the 70’s; Robert Stark’s interview with Robert Brenner about his Gritty Old Time Square Tours
Josh’s observation that Broadway in Downtown LA reminds him of old Time Square
Josh’s interview with Luke Ford
Josh’s experience working for Al Goldstein’s Screw Magazine
Josh’s book I, Goldstein, which is a co-written autobiography about Al Goldstein
Josh’s book When Sex Was Dirty
Rules for Journalist; “never pay for an interview”
Book Publishing; the era of “the gate keeper,” independent publishing houses such as Feral House, and self-publishing today
The effects of the internet on musicians

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings!

Robert Stark interviews Artist Arthur Kwon Lee












Robert Stark and co-host Pilleater interview Arthur Kwon Lee. Arthur Kwon Lee is a Korean American painter. Lee is also an educator and social critic. Lee received his Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Corcoran School of Art + Design. Lee’s paintings have been exhibited in Italy’s Gallery of San Carpoforo, the Skyline, Gallery 31 and the Corcoran Gallery of Art. Lee is currently working out of RONIN浪人STUDIO, Washington, DC.


Arthur’s history in painting
Arthur’s artistic inspirations include Joan MitchellHans HofmannWillem and Elaine de KooningVincent van Gogh
Arthur’s Korean background and how the arts are viewed in Korean culture
Modernism vs. Post-modernism, and Medium Specificity & the Post-Postmodernist Conunbrum
Defining good art, trusting your gut, versus articulating work on aristic principles, and the lack of decipline in art today
Arthur’s Philosophical views and influences
Psychoanalytical and ecological themes
Robert Stark’s Paintings and Pilleater’s art
The echo chamber in the academia institution
Arthur’s Prometheus series and the archetype of the Masculinity
Christina Hoff Sommers’ The WAR AGAINST BOYS
Beauty, standards, and shaming
Tim Biskup and West-Coast low-brow art
Digital vs. Analog art, Marshall Mcluhan
Eastern vs. Western art
Arthur’s interview with Luke Ford 
Phillipe Rushton, reproductive patterns
The leftist takeover of the art world and Identity politics in the art world
Arthur’s iconoclast politics
Whether artist should mix their art and politics
Milo’s right-wing Performance art
Advice for artist to succeed economically, and the importance of finding a niche

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A talk with Luke Ford and Richard Wolstencroft about Occultism, Nationalism, and the Election of Trump









Robert Stark and co-host Alex von Goldstein talk to fellow Aussies, blogger Luke Ford and filmmaker Richard Wolstencroft

Topics include:

Meme magic and the and theological significance of KEK
Pepe, Kek, and the Rise of an Elder God
Hillary Clinton as the whore of Babylon
Richard’s film The Second Coming, based on the apocalyptic poetry of W. B. Yeats
Richard’s exposure to occultism, and how he came to the conclusion that it is something real, powerful, and potentially dangerous
Jack Parsons’ the Babalon Working, inspired by Aleister Crowley
Wikileaks revealing John Podesta’s involvement in Occultist “Spirit Cooking”
Luke’s point that elite cosmopolitan Jews who are not involved in traditional Judaism, turn to things such as occultism, and how many of the individuals he met in the porn industry dabbled in Satanism
Richard’s story about getting a liver sepsis at age 27, when he was exposed to black magic
Carl Jung’s concept of Shadow Work
Richard’s relationship with Christianity, rebelling against it as a youth, and how his exposure to occultism brought him back to Christianity
How Luke came to Judaism
Luke’s background in porn journalism
Luke’s point that most people crave spirituality in their lives, and if they are not exposed to a traditional religion they will look for that transcendence in other places
Richard porn documentary The Last Days of Joe Blow
Luke and Richard debate sexual morality and promiscuity
Andy Nowicki’s book Confessions of a Would-Be Wanker, about the corrupting nature of sex
The sexual Theories of Wilhelm Reich, which viewed sex as a positive force
When Did Luke Ford Board The Trump Express?
How Richard became a Trump supporter, and his article TRUMP AND THE METAPOLITICS OF WINNING
Trump’s win may be the beginning of a global nationalist populist wave, and the blowback against the globalist elites
The Way Forward for Trump
Jewish attitudes toward Trump, and how 71% of Jews Voted for Clinton, while 24% Backed Trump, with the exception of Orthodox Jews who supported Trump
Prediction of a white baby boom during the Trump presidency, and how birthrates rise when people have economic stability and a sense of optimism in the future
Richard’s point that overpopulation is the key environmental problem, that we need an economy that is not based on growth, and that humanity should ideally be reduced by 80%
Why Luke see’s Nationalism as the key issue, and all other issues as secondary
Charles Murray’s book Human Accomplishment
Why Luke rejects objective morality of good vs. evil, and see’s different groups in competition for scarce resources

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Robert Stark interviews Luke Ford about the 7th day Adventist Church, Orthodox Judaism & Max Hardcore

Luke Ford Moral Leader











Robert Stark and co-host Paul Bingham talk to blogger, former pornography gossip collumnist, and convert from the Seventh-day Adventist Church to Orthodox Judaism, Luke Ford.

Topics include:

How Luke and Paul both share a common background in the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Seventh Day Adventist Beliefs
How Ben Carson’s campaign brings attention to the 7th Day Adventist faith
How 7th Day Adventist tend to avoid politics
How 7th Day Adventist tend to distrust the US Government
The apocalyptic aspect of 7th Day Adventism(ex. the Branch Davidians who were a break away sect)
How 7th Day Adventist put an emphasis on healing
How 7th Day Adventist facilities have an aura of holiness and reverence
How the church if made up of mostly women and tends to feminize both men and women(ex. discouraging competition)
How the Church appeals to people in poverty and helps them improve their lives
How upwardly mobile individuals tend to leave the Church
How 7th Day Adventist put a strong emphasis on the afterlife while Jews tend to focus on success in this world
How 7th Day Adventist and Jews tend to have opposite values about passions towards money, sex, and power
How Orthodox Judaism is much more challenging and difficult to convert to
Similarities between Judaism and Mormonism
Dietary laws, 7th Day Adventist Vegetarianism, and the Kosher diet
The impacts of Vegetarianism and how it can work if practiced properly
Luke’s father Desmond Ford who was an influential leader in the church and latter broke away
The Nostradamus Kid which is a coming of age story about an Australian boy raised a Seventh-Day Adventist in the 1950’s who yearns for the pastor’s daughter and fears the world is coming to an end
The Alexander Technique and how it appeals to Actors and Athletes
How the Alexander Technique helps with voice problems, posture, and clumsiness
Whether religion or psychotherapy are more effective in treating psychological problems problems
How different religions address different problems
How Luke found the 7th Day Adventist Church stifling of expression
How Dr. Kellogg who was a 7th Day Adventist promoted circumcision to reduce sexual pleasure
How Luke’s has tended to avoid tension and has developed his humor as a coping mechanism
Max Hardcore and how he pioneered the genre of violent humiliation porn
How Max Hardcore took porn to its logical conclusions and was an embarrassment to many in the industry who hid behind a veneer of respectability. Some of his work is viewable on sites like twinki and other contemporaries in the field.
How Luke’s personal take on Max Hardcore based on the time he spent with him, was that he was articulate, intelligent, and charming, but had a dark sadistic side that he let out on camera and when he was drunk
Luke’s controversial political views, immigration, and Donald Trump
Chateau Heartiste

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Artwork

Robert Stark interviews Luke Ford about Ann Coulter & the Jews

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Topics include:
Ann Coulter & The Jews
Ann Coulter’s controversial Tweet about Jews after the Republican Debate
How Ann Coulter’s Faux Pas Calls Attention to Jewish Influence
The Jewish reaction to Ann Coulter’s Tweet
The Jewish Drive To Marginalize Ann Coulter
Philip Weiss: Coulter’s point is that Republicans pander on Israel to win donors, not voters
Ann Coulter’s book Adios, America which has a chapter praising Israel for it’s immigration policies
Whether Ann Coulter will survive this incident and if she does it will further expand the Overton window
Roosh Triggers ADL Cyber Police Investigation for stating Israel’s border walls work
How Jewish organizations in the diaspora oppose nationalism for non Jews
Donald Trump & The Jews
How Donald Trump sybolizes a resurgence of Nationalism and Populism
How like Coulter, Trump is also pro Israel but is opposed by Jewish activist for fear of a revival of Nationalism
Orthodox Jews For Trump
Jewish Organizations supporting Muslim migrants into the West
Luke Ford’s interview with Roger Devlin about his book “Sexual Utopia in Power”
How Luke often has “Beta Male” characteristics in relationships
How when Luke showed his vulnerable side that was often seen as a sign of weakness
The affects of promiscuity on women
How the more people lack bonds the more likely they are to engage in reckless behavior
When Beta Males Go On A Shooting Spree and how Luke views the key issue as a lack of social bonds
How Narcissist seek attention as a substitute for attachment
JSwipe vs Tinder


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Robert Stark interviews Luke Ford about Narcissism, Sex Addiction, & Eroticized Rage

Luke Ford Moral Leader













5 Ways Sex Addiction Recovery Can Get Derailed
Narcissists Watch More Porn: Enter Eroticized Rage
Porn as a mechanism for the addict to feel powerful and important
Sex and love addiction
The 12 Step Program
Secure vs. insecure and avoident forms of attachment
Narcissism & Humor
The Fruits Of Feminism
Does IQ correlate with Narcissism?


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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Artwork

Robert Stark interviews The Truth Will Live about Cultural & Aesthetic Decline

Photo on 5-12-15 at 5.00 PM #2













Topics include:

Her Art History Major in College
Her take on modern art and how it was innovative at first but has become repetitive
Why the mainstream right has little interest in arts, culture, and aesthetics
The decline of cities and the creation of bland suburbs
How mainstream conservative view the destruction of historic communities as part of the “free market”
How the Alternative Right attracts creative types and takes a more Eurocentric outlook
Why the people  and culture is more important than economics in having a successful society
How there is something Spiritual and Transcendent about aesthetic beauty
Anarcho Tyranny which is an imposed standard of no standards
How standards in fashion have declined
How the upper class are emulating the aesthetic standards of the proletariat
The role of Aesthetics in Judaism and Jewish Culture

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Artwork

Robert Stark interviews Luke Ford about how he would feel if he were born into different Outgroups



Topics include:

If Luke Were Born An Orthodox Jew, How Would He Feel About This Luke Ford Bloke?
If Luke Were A Gentile White Nationalist, How Would He Feel About Jews?
If Luke were a Muslim, how would he feel about Jews?
If Luke Were A Black Gentile, How Would He Feel About Jews?
What Would Luke Possibly Talk About With A Hot 19yo?
Where Have All The Good Men Gone?


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