Daily Archives: November 11, 2015

Robert Stark interviews Anatoly Karlin














Anatoly Karlin is a blogger, thinker, and businessman in the SF Bay Area. He’s originally from Russia, spent many years in Britain, and studied at U.C. Berkeley. He blogs at The UNZ Review and DaRussophile

Topics include:

His interest in both Neoreactionary politics and Futurism and how they compliment each other
His thoughts on the Alternative Right, the Alternative Left, and the Radical Center
The four political currents in Russia today(social conservatives, neoliberals, communist, and nationalist)
Vladimir Putin as a civic nationalist and his economic policies
The 5 Types of Russian American
Misconception that Americans and Westerners have about Russia
The Soviet Parallels of Fishtown’s Middle-Aged White Male Mortality Crisis
How automatization will make a basic income necessary
The Ethnic Politics of Basic Income
National Wealth, and IQ  and how oil and communism explain the exceptions
Dysgenic Deutschland
The European migrant crisis and how it will be used to justify more wars in the middle east
The Syrian conflict and Russia’s role in the region
How cousin marriage correlates with support for ISIS against Assad in Syria

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